We are truly blessed to be able to explore the intricacies of human existence at a time when the majority of the earth’s population is limited to only being able to pursue the basic elements of physical survival. While we, in the West, experience relative peace, the developing world is often in the grips of chaotic conflict. (It could be argued that conflict is now becoming prevalent in the West as well but we are still able to escape some of its harsher consequences to a degree.) This greater degree of personal security provides us with TIME, that most sought-after commodity, to indulge ourselves in this delightful experiential process, the pursuit of TRUTH.

As we individually explore this universal knowledge that is leading us to TRUTH, we must honour & respect each other’s singular journey because:




And though the above statement may seem to be contradictory, if you sit with it for a bit, meditate on it, and take it into your mind, you will find that it addresses some of the challenges of seeking TRUTH, expressing TRUTH & sharing TRUTH.

With that being said, there are so many & varied pathways to esoteric or ‘higher’ knowledge. Each one is magical, mysterious & beautiful in its own right. Humans established and participated in any number of ‘MYSTERY SCHOOLS’ throughout history. Some we still have access to but I am certain that many have been lost in the shadows of history but have nonetheless played a part in the development of the human psyche. On one level, all knowledge, once uncovered, discovered or recovered is present within the collective psyche and is a part of our collective lineage. We may not know specifics but often when confronted with so-called ‘lost’ wisdom, we recognize it immediately on a visceral level. I am going to dip into just one of the many Mystery Schools that many of us explore in this, our almost post-apocalyptic reality. As each of us, individually, attempt to unravel the threads of esoteric knowledge, we might discover something that will contribute to the restoration of a global community of humans living together in peace and harmony without the need for drastic fascist measures like compulsory mandates, depopulation schemes, restriction and control of all resources and the surveillance state which sends us all back into overt slavery.

Astrology is one such Mystery School. This method of TRUTH seeking connects us to the sky. I’ve always imagined that the very first ‘astrologer’ could have been a woman who ran out of her cave after a fight with her partner and howled with rage at the Full Moon glowing mysteriously in the night sky. After the rush of emotion, she might have thought, “Hmmmm…the last time this happened there was this big fat ball of light in the sky…I wonder what that could mean?” And so, the journey into understanding the synchronicity of all things began; observation & co-relation, the scientific method.

The first astrologers were budding mathematicians, seers, counselors, and healers within the community. The lay folks went to them for advice on physical, functional, emotional, mental & spiritual issues. There’s a branch of astrology for all of these areas and more. The ancient astrologers were a one-stop shop. You could find them in the smallest village & the highest Royal Court. People have always wanted to know more about the way reality works. From health issues to timing issues to conflict resolution to the deeper questions about life itself, astrology covers it all.

Today, there is a growing interest in a branch of Astrology called Constellational or Sidereal. This is the astrology most commonly used by Eastern astrologers. In India, it is called Jyotish. This method of astrological insight uses the so-called ‘fixed stars’ to derive calculations for zodiacal placements within the generally accepted zodiac of ‘signs’. Keep in mind, however, that these ‘fixed stars’ are not, in reality, fixed. Everything in this manifest universe is in motion. But, because they are SO far away from us their actual movement is almost indistinguishable from our location here on EARTH.

And that brings me to the other method of astrological exploration, The tropical branch of Astrology. This method is the one that is, to date, most commonly used here in the ‘west’ and is based on the actual movement of the Earth in its journey around the Sun. Several thousand years ago, an astrologer suggested that the archetypal Zodiac of signs which designate the way energy works should be aligned to the SEASONAL shifts that occur right here on the Earth, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox & Winter Solstice. He aligned 0 degrees Aries to the Spring Equinox and the rest, as they say, is history. As the Earth moves through its regular and measurable seasonal cycle around the source of its existence, the SUN, it ‘hits’ all 12 signs of the established zodiac. Once you dig more deeply into the actual energies of each of the current 12 signs, it all starts to make a great deal of sense. As an example, Aries is the energy of INITIATION, of beginnings, of the seeds of creative action. Spring is the time of new growth with seeds into the ground and the beginning of a return to a fertile period. Aries is sometimes harsh, and so is spring sometimes. I could relate each subsequent sign to the period that it occupies as the Earth turns on its axis and orbits around the Sun. Really beautiful, actually.

I walk the Earth. I don’t, at this point in the human story, live amongst the stars. What happens to me, happens here on this planet in this place in the universe. I live in alignment with the seasons and so it makes all kind of sense to me to align my method of astrological exploration to this seasonal, tropical zodiac. And, it seems to work quite well. The energy that is described by the transit of the planets of the known solar system through the various known 12 astrological signs seems to fit perfectly with the energy that I experience in my own body, physical, mental, emotional & spiritual, on a day-to-day basis. So, for now, I am good to use this method of astrology as I muddle myself through the nuances of this crazy thing called life.

All that being said, it is equally amazing that when I do explore Sidereal Astrology, I find that it never negates what I have discovered via the tool of Tropical Astrology. It only enhances it and vice versa. Tropical Astrology is archetypal, mystical, and intuitive. Sidereal Astrology is precise, exacting, and literal. Both can serve a higher purpose, that of better understanding this journey of conscious existence on this beautiful garden planet we call home. Today many brilliant young astrologers are reframing their astrological work and using sidereal methods to articulate the TRUTHS that they are discovering. This is wonderful & welcome. Knowledge is always expanding. Understanding is always increasing as it should. And, as our knowledge base increases and expands, we will come ever nearer to that elusive TRUTH that we honest-heartedly seek, whether through one method or another method. While we continue to grow our base of knowledge with the method of our personal choice, we must take care that we do not denigrate whatever method another ‘truth-seeker’ has chosen to use. If we do, we will be de-evolving back to the realm of fanaticism, judgment, zealotry, and denial. Think about all of the lives that have been lost because of so-called religious differences. Each soldier who took the life of another soldier in the name of his GOD did so thinking he was serving a higher TRUTH. Was he?

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead.”

― Ernest Hemingway from FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS


But where to begin with ASTROLOGY?

The very best way to begin is to align to the MOON. It is simple. It is easy. And, it makes all kind of sense. You actually do not need even a drop of astrological data to derive benefit from watching the MOON though, with even a little bit of data, the process can be even more meaningful. Here is a simple way to start.

Figure out with the aid of a calendar or any number of websites when the next NEW Moon is going to occur. This is a time of ‘seeding’, of initiation, of brainstorming, of starting new projects. Literally, gardeners attempt to align planting with the first New Moon of the growing season. SOME good KEYWORDS for the New Moon period—technically about 2.5 days but I stretch it to around a week—are INITIATION & EXPLORATION.

The Full Moon period which occurs about 2 weeks after each New Moon is a time of culmination, observation & realized potential. It is a great time to look at what you started on the New Moon and get real about it, make the necessary adjustments & go public, so to speak. Literally, this is a great time to launch a business. Everything is ‘visible’ under the light of the Full Moon. Some keywords to use in connection to the Full Moon are CULMINATION & RESOLUTION.

The Balsamic or Dark Moon period is a great time to rest, repair & reflect. This 2.5 day period occurs at the very end of the monthly MOON cycle and immediately prior to the next New Moon. Looking up into the sky, you will not see the Moon at all, thus the term, ‘dark’. In this context ‘balsamic’ means soothing; restorative; healing; reduced to its essence.

This is the quiet time, the introspective time, the time when we can step back from the busy-ness of our lives & just breathe. It gives us the time to recharge & once again begin the process of initiation & exploration. Some keywords are REFLECT & REST.

Gosh, I do so love the Moon cycle which is the one that is MOST closely connected to the planet we call home, where we live and breathe. We all know what it’s like to walk in the full light of the Sun but what about walking under the full light of the MOON? Next time you can, kick those shoes off your feet, get out into the grass, walk on the EARTH when the MOON is full and shing bright in the night sky.  In the warm parts of the seasonal cycle, of course! You will feel the grass as never before; you will inhale the scent of the night in a way that is mysterious and magical; you will hear the sounds of life around you that are unheard during the daylight hours. It is truly worth doing if you have never done it MINDFULLY before.