February 5, 2023 @ 12:30 PM CST

Self-love; creativity; expression; joyfulness. The Leo Full Moon celebrates the joyful, creative expression of the self & boy, don’t we need it when winter holds us captive!

This Full Moon is almost exactly square to Uranus & the nodes, (though the nodes are moving away from Uranus now), suggesting that the secret, unconscious self is seeking a new form of expression, a different way to be present in the world. Whatever your intention was at the New Moon 2 weeks ago, now is the time to review if you have put it into action & explore what you need to do to further realize it.

As with the Aquarius New Moon, there is a feeling (MOON), of movement, of change. The major planetary energies are all in forward motion. Don’t look back, look to the future, they say.

Mars is now several degrees away from his Station & Jupiter is beginning to pick up steam in Aries. There is nothing so fresh & exciting as Aries in full mode! This is the energy of enterprise & adventure; of initiation & zest; a courageous, bold energy that catapults into ever-expanding potential. We need it! Take that chance now & then concretize it into form as Jupiter moves into Taurus in May. Dreams become reality if we plan for them.

This is the year that Saturn leaves Aquarius, not to return for another 30ish years. For those of you with Saturn in Pisces, the next 2 & a bit years mark your ‘Saturn Return’ period, either first, second or third…lol. A shout-out to those of you who are entering the 3rd return. You are now in your late 80’s…you have definitely ‘made it’! More on this shift of Saturnian energy in future Moon blogs…

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon are:



The symbols give us the feeling that no matter what is going on around us, we are safe & sound & watched over. We can freely express our inner selves, celebrate the joyfulness of creativity in whatever form it takes in our lives & know that we are moving into a brighter more unified future despite appearances to the contrary. Be vigilant in your own life so that you quickly identify anyone or anything that is attempting to cause division & dissent, whether overtly or covertly. Look for ways to create harmony in a natural human fashion. Avoid those who tear down. Seek out those who build up. Goodness is born from goodness. Find your own community of blessed companions who provide you with nourishment & support.

Enjoy the fullness of Leo. Locate 16*41″ Leo in your own chart & consider how you can introduce the energy of love, playfulness & creative expression into your reality…