Pisces New Moon

February 20, 2023 @ 1:09 am CST

To get the most out of working with Astrology, you have to get to know the rhythm of the cycles because, bottom line, it’s the patterns of these cycles that give you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of self-understanding or the forecasting of the energetic temperatures of the times. Patterns have always fascinated me whether it is the sudden discovery of seemingly random patterns that take on meaning in their repetition or the obvious concrete patterns that are self-evident to even those who are resistant to spotting them. The universe is just one big tapestry, a pattern of complex & profound proportions that is waiting for us to discover its secrets.

The most accessible of cycles are the ones that involve the movement of the celestial spheres, both visible to the naked & enhanced eye.  Obviously, the LUNAR CYCLE is a perfect example of this. Not only is it fast-moving with the MOON completing its natural wax & wan within the 30ish-day monthly period, but it is also clearly visible to anyone who lifts their eyes to the night sky. With the MOON CYCLE, a pattern is established. Now it’s up to us to figure out what that pattern is, what it means & how we can work within its parameters if we choose to do so. Be aware, that we will find this same cyclical motion in ALL of the planets of our immediate solar system & if we have the impulse to search further, far beyond that into the mysterious universal space around us. Even if you know nothing about the zodiacal symbology of signs, elements & houses of the horoscope, you can be plugged into the cyclical movement of the Moon & other planets just by becoming conscious of these cycles. And the MOON cycle is, truly, the easiest of all the cycles we can investigate. There is always a NEW MOON & there is always a FULL MOON & they are always 2 weeks apart, come winter, spring, summer, or fall…LOL. So, don’t worry if you can’t remember the signs of the zodiac. As long as you track the LUNAR CYCLE, you have in hand a pattern that you can begin to work with. NEW MOONS can always be viewed as the beginning of something while FULL MOONS can be regarded as the culmination of that original process. Literal example: you can begin an investigation into something on the NEW MOON & reflect on what you have so far discovered on the FULL MOON. It really can be as simple as that.

This coming NEW MOON is in the dreamy energy of PISCES & occurs just days after the Sun shifts into that energy. In fact, NEW MOONs are ALWAYS in the same zodiac sign as the SUN. That is because a new moon, any new moon, is physically, literally ‘aligned’, (conjunct in astro terms) to the sun in the sky as seen from our vantage point here on the earth. NEW MOONS are invisible at the exact moment of this close alignment so the sky at the NEW MOON is inky black & flecked with stars. It is only after a few days that we can begin to make out the crescent rim of the MOON as she begins her waxing journey to fullness. That’s why it is like a beginning, a birth…

This PISCES New Moon is going to reach her FULLNESS when she gets to the zodiac sign of Virgo in about 2 weeks. Another pattern in the making. Each sign has a partner sign which is exactly opposite it within the 360 * wheel of the horoscope. The partner Sign to PISCES is…VIRGO!! So, no matter how many cycles go by, a PISCES NEW MOON will ALWAYS reach her fullness in the sign of VIRGO. I find that extremely comforting & satisfying…dependable universal law in action.

Pisces is a mysterious energy, full of all that is mystical & marvelous. In Pisces, we find the dream that can become the reality (VIRGO), the sublime self-sacrifice of unconditional love, and the undeserved kindness (grace) of the divine. Oh yes, it can also be muddled, confused & deceptive but, if we are seekers of the light, we will take those misguided impulses & shift them into proactive ones. Muddle? Allow your creative right brain to take you to the outer limits. Confused? Pause & meditate until the chaos settles. Deception? Investigate thoroughly until you feel you have sufficient data on which to base some kind of conclusion.

This New MOON promises continued movement, a fresh start & the resolution to set intentions & follow through. Though there is still a lot of data to sort through, we can begin to imagine that we just might start to find some definitive answers to ongoing perplexing questions. Notably, Mars will finally pass beyond the post-shadow period of his recent retrograde through Gemini. Did you lose your mind over the past 6 ish months? Well, you may now find it once again! And for those of you who were born with Mars in Gemini (direct or retrograde), your initiation into the next 2-year cycle of implementation is now culminating & you can get down to the business of making things happen according to whatever plan you may have come up with for the next 2 years.

An aside to those of you who have significant Gemini energy wired into your psyches…,(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or any of the angles & particularly the ascendant in this sign). This now culminating transit of Mars through Gemini with a built-in retrograde through almost the entire 30 degrees has probably triggered a lot of responses in you. You guys have probably felt just a little bit crazier than the rest of us, maybe more frustrated at times, a tad more muddled & confused possibly. Your ‘get up & go’ may have got up & gone for a while & then suddenly returned in a sizzle of short circuitry. Take a breath & force yourselves to relax. The cuckoo days are almost behind us as Mars will pass his Retrograde Station of 25*36′ Gemini on March 16. That is, technically, the final day of the post-shadow period. So, mark that week down in your calendar—March 13-19 & pay attention to how you feel once we get to that time period. It will give you clues as to how retrogrades affect you specifically. That, of course, is true for all of us but as I have mentioned before, not all transits affect all individuals in the same way. Each person’s journey is unique.

Another notable transit for this Lunar cycle is the entry of Saturn into Pisces according to the Tropical Zodiac most commonly used by Western Astrologers. In fact, at the New Moon, Saturn is closely aligned to the Sun/Moon conjunction from the Aquarius side @ 28*10’. When Saturn supports the Moon in this fashion, we are given an added boost of resolve & commitment as we set our intentions & start out on new projects. Saturn strengthens & grounds the somewhat ethereal energy of Luna. Emotions rise & fall, after all, but intestinal fortitude (Saturn) is something we can depend on once we cultivate it. As Saturn transit Pisces for the next 2 ½ years we will all get the opportunity to face our fears, firm up our connection to the divine & generally, sort through the more nebulous & hidden parts of our reality construct. For those of you who were born with Saturn in Pisces, it’s your return period, that once in 30ish (technically, 29.4 years), where you get to come to terms with the reality that you have so far manifested. Karma time! Enjoy…lol.

And finally, we are on the brink of Pluto’s first toe dip into Aquarius. This is exciting stuff! Over the last decade & a half, many of us have been shocked into ‘awakeness’ by what has been revealed in terms of the structures that we thought were providing us with security & safety. The scales have fallen from our eyes & we may no longer view our governments in the same way that we once did. We no longer believe that we will always have what we need to sustain our physical reality as we have been shocked to realize that the entire monetary system is merely a shell game Ponzi scheme of grand proportion. We have had to face the fact that all is not what it appeared to be… So, where do we go from here? Possibly, just possibly, we might start getting some clues as Pluto jolts his way through Aquarius. Will the collective consciousness reframe the dream or will we slide further into oppression & tyranny? We will see just how many of us actually did wake up in the years ahead. It’s all about the ‘tipping point’!


The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are :




We must always find ways to preserve ourselves. Squirrels are everywhere because they are quick on the mark when they perceive danger in the air. Have you ever watched a squirrel skitter here and there, always one step ahead of you if you are attempting to catch him? Self-preservation supreme! That is how we should be as we pick our way through these chaotic & troubling times, uber aware of our surroundings, always on our guard for any clear or present danger & ensuring that we have sufficient nuts stored away in case of disaster. Prepper mentality, anybody? And yet, the polarity symbol reinforces the idea that we must continue to have faith. This should be our intention. Find a way to overcome our doubts and yet remain realistic about what is really going on. One way we can do this is if we are clear within ourselves as to what we believe in, what we would fight for, even die for and, in knowing this, stick to it no matter what forces may oppose us. And sometimes this will be a challenge. It may even seem impossible at times. But, somehow, some way, we must, at the very least, TRY to stay true to who we are, even if it is only in private when we are alone with ourselves…HAPPY NEW MOON EVERYONE!