Full Moons are periods of illumination & usually, these times can coincide with some sort of emotional awareness. We may suddenly realize what we have been ‘feeling’ & not entirely understanding. It can seem sudden but not always. In this entitled ‘western’ world, most of us have the time to immerse ourselves in self-analysis. We do not need to struggle to survive, for the most part, so our energy can be directed into the small indulgences of self-study. How pleasant & how privileged it is to be able to sit under the light of a luminescent Moon & meditate on ‘ME’…

This is the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, highlighting both FIRE & AIR; inspiration & cooperation; the individual impulse & the collective impulse. What we do, we do from the deepest part of our desires (Aries) & we do it to impact those around us who share our reality (Libra).  As the Sun exalts in Aries, the Moon relaxes in Libra. It’s a time to think about how our actions impact our companions. We want to find ways to create harmony & peace. The Psalmist wrote:

“How good and pleasant it is when people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head…It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.”

I think it is safe to say that at this most fractious & chaotic time in history, we would all like to savor some ‘pleasantness’.

The energy is all still in forward motion. The focus is on action & movement. We have an appetite for discovery, for invention, for the ongoing quest for understanding. We want to explore the hidden places & subjects. We want to KNOW. Whether it is on a global scale or in our personal lives, we are ready to cast off muddled thinking & take action on the basis of an illuminated understanding (Full Moon). What, in your life, have you come to understand? Can you alter or refine your actions as a result? That’s the key for all of us…

Mercury is moving into his pre-retrograde shadow period & will enter it just a few days after this Full Moon. Close to the nodal axis, the focus is on finding the facts before passing the verdict. In Taurus, the intellectual process is methodical, logical & down to earth. We follow the breadcrumbs assiduously, inspecting each item as we carefully move along. No rushing here! This is made all the more so as Mercury stations retrograde on April 21, 2023, moving from 15’ TAURUS 37” back to 5’ TAURUS 51”. Be willing to slow down, analyze with care, exercise caution as you think through any dynamics & DO NOT jump to any hasty conclusions. Locate where Taurus is in your own natal chart to better monitor the areas of life that are involved.

Venus in her ‘home’ sign of Taurus lends an air of pleasure. We are all ready for the WARM after a long & unpredictable winter. We want to see green things growing, birds flying, and creatures scurrying. With Venus & Uranus in close alignment at the Full Moon, we want to feel something that we have not felt before, experience an unexpected surge of pleasure after a long period of slumber. We want to wake up (Uranus) & savor the moment (Venus)!

Mars shifted into Cancer on March 28, 2023. Nurturing energy is now in high focus. What sort of ‘actions’ can we take to better care for ourselves & those around us? Do we have a ‘plan of action’ in this regard? In Cancer, Mars fights ferociously for those who require assistance. What do you do to support those in need? Heart energy always finds a way.

Jupiter takes about 12 years to travel the wheel of the zodiac and now, in Aries, it is like a fresh start to an old project. We can take the time to reinvent the way we go about doing our lives and chasing after our dreams. What new things have emerged in your life to spur you into activity, inspire your creativity, and to fuel your passions? Seize these things if only by the tail & take a risk. Opportunity can only be realized if it is acted upon.

Pluto’s toe dip into Aquarius is upon us. It is true that we will be dealing with the last vestiges of the Capricorn transit for quite some time, but now the spark of a solution is beginning to emerge. Now that the corruption & deceit has been revealed for all to see, what will we do about it? What can we do about it? That remains to be seen but it is true that if one does nothing then nothing will change. The message is: if you want to see change then be change, whatever that might look like in your own personal life. Grassroots movements have, in the past, affected tremendous changes in society as a whole. History teaches us that Tyrants always fall and that the common people can only be oppressed for so long. Over the next few decades, this lesson will be learned again. What role will YOU play in this unfolding drama?



Happy Full Moon to all…

May the spring warm your bones

and fill your heart with the sweetness of the season…