In these strange & confusing days, the ‘science’ of astrology has become popularized to the point that even folks who know nothing about the actual mechanics of this process, are able to reference it in their day-to-day lives. The most obvious example of this is the use of the so-called ‘sun sign’. If you know your day of birth, you might well conclude that you know something about yourself from that astrological level. There is a well-known phrase that suggests that ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing…’ & it is never truer than when it is applied to those folks who talk about their ‘sun signs’!

I have an admission to make; it sets my teeth on edge when someone says, “I am an Aries; what are you?”

However, I bite my tongue with those edgy teeth because I understand that this question is an enthusiastic demonstration of a love for a breadth of tools that facilitate self-understanding. And, the more self-understanding that we can garner, the better. If we can peek into the depths of ourselves, into the shadows of others’ selves, it has to be preferable to stumbling around in the dark, not knowing why we are, who we are & what the heck we are attempting to accomplish. So, all you astrology lovers, go ahead and talk about your sun sign. I can always leave the room…lol.

The key to getting the greatest return on astrological analysis is to understand that what really counts is not so much the individual energies as represented by the ‘planets in the signs’, but rather, the interaction that occurs between all of the various planets & points. This speaks to the intricate dimensionality of the astrological toolkit. You are not your sun sign. You are SO MUCH MORE than this flat one-dimensional projection. (In fact, there are schools of astrology that do not even reference the zodiac sign but rather, focus on the geometric connections that the various planetary archetypes make spatially. You’ve heard about ‘sacred geometry’? Well, this is one of its applications. To really get to the heart of the complexity of the persona, the soul & the potential of the individual, we must explore the ‘grid’, the crystalline structure of the self. More about this fascinating approach later…)

For now, though, a deeper analysis of the flat one-dimensional zodiac sign that any given planet is found in begins with the understanding that each of these 12 signs (energies) is linked to a specific planet and this planet will also be found within the grid of the horoscope and often, in yet another sign of the zodiac. The interaction between the two planets is of critical importance. Think of your own self as a musical composition, a song of sorts. How do the various ‘notes’ of your song sound? Are they harmonic? Are they dissonant? This is the interactive part of the play of energy that exists in each of us.  We want to get a handle on our own individual ‘songs’ & refine as much as we can the flow of that song so that it is as harmonic as it possibly can be. (By the way, I’m all for a bit of dissonance appropriately administered…lol)

So, that can be a starting point for a deeper understanding of your own so-called ‘sun-sign’. Whatever sign the Sun was transiting when you were born is modified by the energy of whatever sign the RULING PLANET was also transiting at the time you were born. Here’s a list of the signs along with the planet that ‘rules’ that sign.

ARIES ruled by MARS




LEO ruled by THE SUN


LIBRA ruled by VENUS

SCORPIO co-ruled by MARS & PLUTO





You can see that there are quite a few signs linked to only one planet & some that are linked to two planets. This stems from the fact that until the outer planets were ‘discovered’ with the use of powerful telescopes, only the ‘visible’ celestial objects factored into the mix. SATURN was once considered to be the outermost planet in our sky. It ‘limited’ the scope of our perception. Sound familiar?

Each zodiac energy has its own built-in characteristics. If you have a list of keywords, you can get a sense of those overt characteristics. Each planet also has built-in characteristics. Just knowing which planet co-relates to which sign gives us more insight into both of them. Use the graphic above to also consider the element & modality of each archetypal placement. think about how fire works with earth or air or water. What is produced by the combination of any two elements? What about the modality? How does Cardinal energy interact with Fixed or Mutable energy? If it’s too much to consider all of this, then just begin with one thing and once you are conversant with that one thing, add in the next consideration.  It’s sort of like making a soup from a variety of vegetables. It’s all about the blending.


Why is Aries known to be fiery, impulsive, fierce & often dominant? Look at which planet is linked to it. MARS is the planet that represents that part of the personal psyche that ‘does’ things. It represents the overt active energy of the individual, the MO (modus operandi). So, both Aries & Mars are potentially little go-getters, always on the move. Now consider what happens when the Sun is in Aries, a Cardinal Fire Sign, but ruled by a Mars in Pisces, a Mutable Water Sign. Will the watery energy douse the fiery energy? Or will the fiery energy steam up the watery energy? Now we are starting to cook!

Turn, once again to your keyword list & review the characteristics linked to Pisces. You will see words like dreamy, soft, and mystical. How do you think an impulsive, self-determined Mars might operate when it has to navigate the dreamy, mystical waters of PISCES? Once you can synthesize these two diametrically opposed forces, you have stepped into the world of subtle & deeper understanding of the way the psyche works.

The best way to proceed with this deeper analysis of each planetary archetype is to tackle it ONE PLANET AT A TIME. Be methodical. Do not rush ahead or jump around. Try to extract as much as you can from each planet before proceeding on to the next. Be willing to sit with any unexpected realizations you might suddenly have as you begin to synthesize the data. It does not matter how long you have been dissecting your own chart. There will always be insights to be had.

Each planet has one or two places where the rulership stops right where it is. That is something called ‘dignity’. Theoretically, whatever planet is being considered, is thought to be the purest representation of that particular energy.

Here is a list of ‘singular’ planets:

The SUN is in his ‘dignity in LEO. Generally speaking, then, anyone born when the Sun was transiting Leo will have a distinct sense of their ‘ego’ self; they will most probably be expressive & even creative; they will be fun-loving & childlike in many ways.

The MOON is in her ‘dignity’ in Cancer. Moody, sensitive, sometimes fearful, nurturing & protective, and always emotionally motivated.


MERCURY is dignified in two signs, Gemini & Virgo. Data-oriented, inquisitive, intellectually adroit, analytical, detail-oriented, interested in practical solutions & research-minded.

Venus is dignified in two signs, Taurus & Libra. Lusty, earthy, gentle, cooperative, ethical, persuasive & conciliatory.

Mars is dignified in two signs, Aries & Scorpio. Impulsive, intense, fierce, powerful, driven, self-directed & sometimes scary.

Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius & Pisces. Hopeful, optimistic, inspirational, full of ideas, somewhat mystical at times & enterprisingly unrestrained.

Saturn is at home in two signs, Capricorn & Aquarius. Commanding, severe, determined, organized, dispassionate, practical & sometimes dictatorial.

Uranus is at home in Aquarius. Futuristic, innovative, inventive, surprising, one-of-a-kind & sometimes chaotic.


Neptune is at home in Pisces. Dreamy, nebulous, intuitive, spiritual, sensitive & often confused.

Pluto, (yes, we still regard this puppy as a significant presence within the psyche), is linked to Scorpio. Transformative, fearless, willing to cross boundaries, power-oriented, hidden, secretive & iconoclastic. (This was the generation that opened the door to all sorts of ‘taboos’ & let them in. Full Frontal Nudity!)

Ever met anyone, while having one of these planets in their so-called ‘home signs’, who did not fit comfortably into the above? There’s a reason for it which involves the ‘sacred geometry’ aspect & the ‘location’ aspect of how the energy works. Future blogs will dip into that.

In the meantime, drag out your own chart & determine if any one of your planets is operating within the scope of their home sign in your own psyche. How does that translate into your real day-to-day life? Do you fit into any of the descriptions given above? Get out your more extensive keywords & see if any of them describe how you operate in the particular area of personality expression. Do you recall what each planet signifies with the whole of the persona? Look it up & get to work. Summer is drawing to a close…