Author Archives: Christina


This year we have the pleasure of TWO AQUARIUS Full Moons, the first one being in July at the beginning of the Sun’s transit through LEO & now, at the very end, 30* of the Sun’s transit through LEO. As with any Full Moon, the polarity energies are activated so find the LEO/AQUARIUS houses in your own natal chart & consider what areas of life are being triggered in your own personal reality.


1/7:    Relationship

2/8:    Resources

3/9:    Communication & Connection

4/10:  Personal Identity/ private & public

5/11:   Self-actualization & Community Consciousness

6/12:   Well-being/physical & mental



This collective Full Moon is a breath of fresh air after the last few lunations of deep introspection & soul-searching. It’s as if the divine universe is giving us permission to open our hearts & show our true colours to all & any who care to see them!

Jupiter is in close proximity to the Moon adding extra buoyancy & optimism while Venus Trines Saturn within about a degree (very close!) infusing us with the power of our considered certainty in all things. Both Venus & Saturn Trine the asteroid, Ceres, also in tight orb, emphasizing that care & nourishment of others works best when the mind is calm & the heart is strong.

We believe in the magical power of the heart & we are grounded in the knowledge of all that we have learned & discovered. No one will shake us from that which we know to be good & true no matter how hard they try. Saturn in Aquarius provides us with the stamina & strength that we need to stand squarely in our truth with love & light as our backdrop. Venus in Libra opens our throat chakra so that sweet words can flow & heal those around us. Ceres in Gemini connects us to those we associate with, in friendship.

All of these celestial objects are in the air element, suggesting clarity of thought, the objectivity of perspective & the ability to detach from emotionalism when interacting with others in potentially volatile situations. Air element infuses a cool, calm & collected atmosphere into the scene. We are rational. We deliberate. We do not jump to conclusions without doing the research. We are thinking beings, able to separate emotion from process. This is truly how we provide care & nourishment to those around us; by being steady in the face of fear & methodical in the face of terrorism. Make no mistake about it, we have all been terrorized over the past few years by improper handling of this so-called ‘threat’ to our physical safety. Most of us are traumatized without even knowing that we are traumatized so be kind to yourself & give those around you some slack as well.

Take the time for the few days around this Full Moon to just ‘BE’ in the energy of creative living. Feel the flow of it deep within your soul & body. Give yourself permission to express your deepest & possibly secret thoughts & feelings, if only to yourself & then incorporate them into your everyday activities to the extent that you are able to. The energy of method & process is highlighted at this lunation by the close conjunction of Mercury & Mars in the analytical sign of Virgo. Do not JUMP to conclusions without first thoroughly exploring as many of the so-called ‘facts’ as you can. Virgo says to be anal in your search for the data that makes sense. And do not forget that we are all operating from behind the film of fear. If you have only been listening to one narrative for the past few years, you have NOT been getting a balanced view of what has been happening. Critical thinking requires that a diversity of opinions be explored & examined & that is not what we have experienced since this hysteria has been perpetrated on the global village.

This lunation is square to the Nodes suggesting that we are at a crossroad. Which way will we go? Will we allow the goodness & truth of Jupiter in Aquarius to lead us out of this slavery to fear? Will we use the power of Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius to fortify us in the face of terrorism? Hopefully, we will.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are:


This mystical place, the blooming field of Ardath, was a destination where a traveler could find peace, rest & kinship. It could be likened to that spot to which spiritual seekers are drawn. It is in this hallowed place that the seeker finds his soul family & experiences a union of spirit with those who are like-minded. It is a place called HOME; the home that we all long for; that we spend entire lives searching for. Of course, it is to be found deep within each one of us; that is both the magic & the mystery of it; that which we seek is always right at hand if only our eyes of understanding could see it clearly.  In these strange & chaotic times, we must challenge ourselves to find our very own ‘field of Ardath’; to create peace out of friction; to bring peace to that which is not at rest. We must not wait for someone else to do it for us. We must do it for ourselves.

30* Leo:               AN UNSEALED LETTER

What do you want to know? What do you need to know? It’s all there for the taking but you do have to make the effort to actually pull it out of the envelope. Being informed is a choice. Today, many of us are choosing to NOT KNOW more than is comfortable to know. With knowledge, comes the responsibility to act on that knowledge. It is sometimes easier to just stay asleep & not be put into a position where some sort of action needs to be undertaken. This symbol also suggests personal action is necessary when seeking knowledge. If all that we do is turn on the TV & listen to the ‘party line’, we are not active participants in the search for truth. But, Truth is there, in that unsealed envelope, just waiting to be read! And truth, little seeker, will set you free to be at peace in the ‘fields of Ardath’ where humanity can finally find their HOME & reside in unity & peace.

Blessings to all…

mantra for the glorious Aquarius Full Moon

i am one we are one all is one blessed be


As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury oversees the data gathering process. As the ruler of Virgo, it’s all about the analysis of the data that has been gathered. As the function within the psyche that governs intellect, it is vital that when we take in information (Gemini), we have the capacity to also scrutinize the data (Virgo) so as to coherently understand what we have taken in. These two aspects of the intellectual process must work hand in hand for any semblance of sanity to be attained. Imagine if all you did was absorb data & you never organized it into some sort of holistic form. Eventually, you would be like the mind-sick hoarder living in a heap of rubbish that made no kind of sense. It would be as if you had a filing system that had no logical order; as if it was just a random collection of file folders with no name tags to differentiate one from the other. Another word for this kind of system is…CHAOS. And that’s what the energy of Virgo provides to us…an antidote to CHAOS.

As the Ruler of Virgo, Mercury systemizes & makes coherent how & what we think. He becomes the ‘great analyzer’. Everything gets cleaned up & put into order under the firm hand of Virgo. Information is carefully honed so that ideas can be transmitted efficiently & clearly; essential for good communication. Critical thinking is possible under this powerful energy. It is through critical analysis of incoming information that we can make some sense out of the seeming randomness of the universe we live in. There is a tremendous ‘healing’ component to this process. The mind is calmed as data is analyzed. Lies are uncovered. Logic displaces emotionalism. The self becomes settled, able to face the challenges of existence as order prevails. Thank you, Virgo!

At the highest of levels, the Mercury function under Virgo is similar to the Tarot cards, THE MAGICIAN & THE HIGH PRIESTESS. The power of the intellect when it is operating fluidly & in an organized manner is present in both of these two archetypes. The Magician is Virgo at its analytical heights while The High Priestess magically infuses intuition into the data-processing function. Never discount how important the latter is. Einstein, no mental midget by any means, ‘DREAMT’ his Theory of Relativity. While napping, after some hard analytical work, he allowed his intuitive, creative, so-called ‘right brain’ to collate what he had analyzed and woke up to the ‘theory’ that rocked the scientific world!

Mercury also plays a big role in the relationship process.  One could even argue that without good flow between two individual’s Mercury function, relationship is doomed to failure. The Virgo side of this archetype facilitates evaluation. First, we ‘take in’ (Gemini) what our partner is saying & then we make sense (Virgo) of what we have heard. As previously stated, it is not enough to just listen to information. We need to make it relevant. What we hear could be false, could be distorted, could be misleading. How important, then, to disseminate, to evaluate that which we hear. In relationship, if a reasonable level of understanding cannot be reached, all else begins to fray at the edges. However, when both sides of the Mercury function are operating well within the psyche, we lay down the foundation for success in our inter-relational activities. We stay open & non-judgmental & we take the time to understand the words that we hear. The Virgo side of Mercury does not like to jump to rash conclusions without first examining the subject carefully.

After the Moon, Mercury is the next most rapid transiting celestial object. Never more than 28* from the Sun, this archetype either intensifies or enhances & expands the solar force. If you were born when the Sun was transiting Virgo, your Mercury is either in Leo, Virgo, or Libra.

Following are some suggestions as to how the three combos could manifest within the psyche of someone born under Virgo:

Virgo/Leo:  The Creative Analyzer; The Flamboyant Healer; The Executive Assistant

Precision in Self-Expression

This is the ‘balsamic’ connection & could bestow upon the individual a great deal of creative insight & intuitive prowess. Fire energy with Earth energy.

Virgo/Virgo:   The Ultimate Analyzer; The Precise Healer; The Diligent Servant

An incredible Attention to Detail

This could be a ‘balsamic’ aspect (see above) or a ‘new’ aspect which brings much focus to the area of self-expression. Earth energy with Earth energy.

Virgo/Libra: The Diplomatic Analyzer; The Kind Healer; The Attentive Servant

A focus on the Healing Dynamics of Relationship

This will always be a ‘new’ aspect. At its maximum separation, it borders on the semi-sextile which can be likened to a ‘building’ energy somewhat like a step ladder. The core Virgo energy is supplemented, enhanced by the addition of Libra. Air energy with Earth energy.

(Whatever Sun Sign you have, Mercury will always be within 28* of your Sun. The general principles discussed will apply.

eg:  Sun in Aries: Mercury in Pisces; Aries; Taurus

Sun in Taurus:  Mercury in Aries; Taurus; Gemini

Sun in Gemini:  Mercury in Taurus; Gemini; Cancer

Sun in Cancer:  Mercury in Gemini; Cancer; Leo

Sun in Leo:  Mercury in Cancer; Leo; Virgo

Sun in Libra: Mercury in Virgo; Libra; Scorpio

Sun in Scorpio: Mercury in Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius: Mercury in Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn: Mercury in Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius: Mercury in Capricorn; Aquarius; Pisces

Sun in Pisces: Mercury in Aquarius; Pisces; Aries)


Mercury Aspects contribute to the personality in a variety of ways. Track your own Mercury to see what kind of ‘dialogue’ is going on between the Messenger & the other planets. Any aspect indicates an energetic connection between the two archetypes. The so-called ‘hard’ aspects (dynamic) indicate that the individual can gain much via the connection but usually through challenging experiences & hard-won battles. Alternatively, the ‘soft’ (receptive) aspects indicate past life experiences now coming to fruition. If your Mercury is making a lot of so-called ‘hard’ aspects, your soul force needs you to fight for your intellectual sovereignty. If you have soft aspects involving Mercury, be diligent & use your acquired skills in your day-to-day life! Don’t waste them!

Mercury with the Sun: Clarity of mind & the ability to express oneself; keen articulation. As noted previously, Mercury never strays far from the Sun, so the most dynamic aspect that it can make here is the conjunction, either balsamic or new. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the almost semi-sextile which can facilitate elasticity & objectivity in the intellectual process. When locating the semi-sextile aspect, use very tight orbs to determine if it is viable. (The closer that Mercury is to the Sun, the individual is more inclined to subjective perspective.)

Mercury with the Moon: Emotional expressiveness. The nature of the aspect will indicate the way that this emotional expressiveness might manifest. Dynamic aspects lend energy & verve while passive aspects enhance & facilitate.


Mercury with Venus: A focus on the finer things in life; a sensitivity to values; an ability to calculate worth.



Mercury with Mars: Potentially, the ability to act thoughtfully (conversely, NOT!) & with some kind of a plan of action.



Mercury with Jupiter: The brilliant thinker; expansive; visionary & creative. The ‘left brain’ working with the ‘right brain’.



Mercury with Saturn: The ultimate managerial energy. The ability to make concrete any idea that arises. Organized, detail-oriented; methodical & thorough.


Mercury with Uranus: The Genius. The ability to step right outside the box & see things uniquely. Sudden & unexpected solutions to seemingly unsolvable issues could easily occur. This is a mind that is like no other.


Mercury with Neptune: The dreamer. The psychic. The Seer. There could be an uncanny ability to ‘walk between the worlds’ when these two archetypes combine. The caution is that one must maintain very clear boundaries at all times.


Mercury with Pluto: The Psychologist; the Therapist; the Healer. Incredible insight is possible with this combo. Often able to sense the truth even when there are a plethora of untruths being promoted. Others might be uncomfortable around these folks due to this.


Without the Virgo side of our Mercury function, we are merely monkeys playing at life. With the Virgo side operating well, we shift into observers (sometimes of ‘the monkeys’) of life, able to maximize what we experience into something useful & long-lasting.

The next Mercury RX period is coming up on September 26, 2021-October 18, 2021 in LIBRA. Be willing to revisit ALL of your partnership & relationship situations. Rework, re-establish, re-create the energy between you & your ‘other’. Re-invest in healing old wounds & resolving outstanding issues. No matter how you have been hurt or how you may have hurt another, it’s NOT WORTH HANGING ON TO TOXIC EMOTIONS. In the end, all that remains is the LOVE that we share.













NEW MOON/LEO; 08/08/2021 @ 8:50 AM CDT

A new monthly cycle begins for the collective as the Moon meets the Sun @ 17* LEO on 08/08/2021. On this significant ‘21’ day (when summed horizontally), Mercury, The Messenger, joins the LIGHTS in a close conjunction @ 24* LEO, adding perspective & insight.

Saturn opposed the Sun August 2 & the Moon moved to oppose Saturn on August 7, just before this current New Moon. There’s a definite sense of gravity here. When Saturn is involved in a relationship with either of the ‘Lights’, we are reminded to pay attention to the things that we OUGHT to do & the things we NEED to do.

What is the measure of your responsibility? Are you willing to step up to the plate & stand in your own power? Both of these opposition aspects are about the exercise of personal responsibility; the call to autonomy; the need to set boundaries that both empower & protect. This can manifest through your interaction with others & through experiences that may, at first, appear to be happening ‘to me’. However, every experience you have is one that can be used to better understand how to take action, respond, react, to be mindful of how you position yourself within the context of relationship.

Sun /Saturn is the call to stand firmly in your personal power, with certainty & resolve; to establish who YOU are both in your own mind & in context to the ‘other’. Moon/Saturn is the NEED to exercise that power & resolution. If you were born with Saturn in aspect to either of your Lights, you have the capacity to rise to your own personal best–in spades! If you choose success, you will attain success. That is not to say that it will be easy, without challenge, but this energetic combination does promise that you have the inherent capacity to deal with whatever challenges may come & to overcome them! Trines provide facilitation in the face of difficulty while squares give grit!

Jupiter is newly re-entered into Aquarius as well. The fabulous Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of December 2020 is echoed during this Sun in Leo time as the Leo/Aquarius polarity is triggered. When Jupiter & Saturn meet, as they did last year, a new cycle of growth is initiated. In Aquarius, we aspire to a broader vision, to a collective union, to an expansion of humanitarian expression. Where do we fit in within the greater collective? What is our place in this global family? Can we make the leap into an egalitarianism that truly erases superficial differences & is focused on those things that unite us as individuals within a greater group? Our social climate at the moment is full of confrontation & aggression. Instead of creating commonality, various factions within society appear to be fueling division. The promise of Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius seems to have slipped out of our fingers. At this New Moon we should all take the time to RE-IMAGINE ‘the dream’. We should look within & determine how we can amend our actions so that humanity is served through love & compassion. Hatred & division destroys. We must find a way to forgive those who have hurt us. We must try to understand why someone chooses to do what they do without judgment. It will not be easy but if we are to survive as a collective, we must try to do this.

Another facet of Aquarian energy is an emphasis on ‘the collective’. This is, hopefully, the time of the ordinary individual, the unheard citizen. As Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius blast open the portals of ‘liberty, equality & fraternity’, the hope is that the global family will respond to this call for a wider union based on a true sharing of resources.

Hopefully, the time of the ‘ROBBER BARONS’ is coming to an end even though, at this painful moment in time, it appears as if those ‘ELITES’ still hold the balance of power. Despite this apparent stalemate, we hope that we will begin to see ongoing adjustments to the way that we are accessing the limited resources that this planet has to offer. Is it time for the ‘little man’ to have his say? The HEART of humanity, the rainbow coloured spectrum of humanity, shouts out a resounding ‘YES’!

If you are feeling hopeless & frustrated, just remember the FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789) when the ‘little man’ rose up & addressed the centuries-long oppression of the French ruling classes in the most brutal & uncompromising way. The ruling class of that day did not see it coming and so it is today; we may ‘not see it coming’, until it is well & truly upon us.


The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:

17* LEO: 








Is it possible that old patterns, old protocols, old rules need to be altered? Can we still ‘sing’ in unison with others even though the ‘song’ might be one we are not familiar with? Can we draw on the past without getting stuck in it? Can we ‘watch’ that which has been so that we can extract the best possible lesson from that past experience? Can we use what we have learned to create a better today & an even better tomorrow?

Be vigilant as you observe what is going on around you. Do not accept anything without first researching it. Test out your conclusions against what you have found to be accurate &, even more importantly, against your own inner instincts. If something feels off to you, give yourself time to dive deeply into it so as to reassure yourself of its validity. In these days of rampant & uncontrolled social media, many voices are loudly shouting many divergent things. Do not just accept that which you hear until you have sufficiently proven it to be true to YOUR own satisfaction. Be a critical thinker. Just because you have heard something from the media does not mean that it is true.

The Leo/Aquarius polarity is highly creative. This is the energy of brilliance in thought & the will to bring those thoughts into manifest form. It is about thinking outside the box from the deepest part of our secret self. It is about the expression of uniqueness that can trigger similar actions in others. It is about creating community from diversity, bringing together a wide variety of ideas & expressions to form a living, breathing, evolving whole. Celebrate yourself & give your gifts to your community of choice. It’s the right thing to do!






The SUN: Ruler of Leo

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun transits the zodiac sign of Leo at the height of the summer season. Everything is about the light! Nature seems to have no end of bounty to bestow upon us, the little humans who enjoy her gifts. And so, it is more than fitting that the ancients who first began to recognize the relationship between the Sky and the Earth designated that the glorious Sun should become the ‘ruler’ of LEO since this is the Zodiac sign that co-relates to the July/August monthly time period.

In terms of the role that this celestial body plays within the human psyche, it’s all about holding to center. It is by virtue of the sheer power of the magnetism of the solar force that all the elements of the persona are united. In the horoscope, the Sun can be said to be the BEST representation of who you are (not always attained, by any measure!); it can be called the driving engine or ‘horse’ of the chart (this from the Shamanic School of Astrology); it could be equated to the LIGHT of the persona, as opposed to the SHADOW, (this in psychological terms); I think of it as the integrative energy that holds all else in perfect harmony. Just as the Sun is the magnetic center of the solar system, so is the archetypical Sun the magnetic force that all else refers to in the persona.

In a sense, the Sun represents the PHD thesis that you came here to pursue. Whatever the sign it is in, it is imperative to understand the call to action that is described by that sign. We all want to exemplify the majesty of the SUN. We want to shine. We want to give that which is within us to those around us, just as the Sun of the solar system provides the energy required for life to exist.

So, very, very, very briefly, here is a list of key thoughts for the Sun through the signs. This list is meant to be a trigger that you can use to create more key thoughts. And, of course, there are countless articles, books & podcasts out there that explore the nature of the Sun. They are all useful as well.

The SUN in:



The call for Leadership






The call for Security






The call for Intellectual Diversity








The call for Supportive Nurturement








The call for Creative Self-expression







The call for Analytical Understanding









The call for Balance & Cooperation







The call for Self-empowerment








The call for the Search for Truth





The call for Personal Autonomy







The call for Vision






The call for Compassion



Now, get yourself a piece of paper & brainstorm other thoughts for the Sun through the signs that resonate with you. Start with your own Sun Sign & turn this into a bit of a soul-searching exercise.



It is also necessary to understand how the house, or at the very least the quadrant where you find the Sun in the natal horoscope figures into the journey into self-actualization. The houses of the horoscope demonstrate the various areas of life where we play out our personal dramas. With the Sun located in a particular house, this will be a strong driver within the psyche in terms of setting goals, creating intentions & framing the boundaries of the reality. Where your Sun is, there you will find your heart’s desire! Remember, The Sun co-relates to the HEART anatomically. More and more we discover how critical a role the Sun plays in the structuring of our daily lives, both physically & emotionally. If the heart is troubled, the body is not well.

Another exercise you can do is to go through the 12 houses & brainstorm what it means when the Sun is located in each one. As previously recommended, it’s useful to begin with your own chart, find where the Sun is located & get going.

The Sun in house:

1:                            Me First

2:                            What I Desire

3:                            I Question & Explore

4:                            I Protect & Nurture                        

5:                            I Express & Create

6:                            I Serve & Heal

7:                            I Create Commonality & Peace

8:                            I Stand in my Power

9:                            I Search for Meaning & Truth

10:                          I Manage & Keep Order

11:                          I Imagine & Envision

12:                          I Connect to That Which is Beyond Me


The next step is to put the two descriptions into something that makes sense TO YOU. For instance, if you have a Virgo Sun in the 1st House, you might make the following amalgamated phrase:

I create the rules for the kind of Service that I am prepared to offer to others.

Notice the emphasis on ‘I’ & being the boss of the process.


Here’s another one for the Sun in Sagittarius in the 10th House:

I am in control of my spiritual condition.


By extracting the essence of both of the descriptions, you can then develop them into one statement.


It’s a lot of fun to play around with the Sun in this way. It is useful to do it with charts of folks that you know. You may even get dramatic insights into the nature & action of the Sun through the signs & houses as you do this highly personal exercise. You may find a hidden element that no astrological cookbook could ever give you by looking at real-life people in real life situations.


There is SO much more that could be explored about the Sun & the role that he plays within the psyche! But, at the very least, the previously mentioned little exercises can get you going on the journey into a deeper level of awareness about this very important planetary archetype.

May the SUN always shine upon your path

May you be blessed…




Full Moon in Aquarius, July 23, 2021, 9:37 pm CDT

The challenging emotions triggered at the last New Moon, (Cancer) are now out in full view. How are you doing? With the Sun newly entered into Leo, we have the opportunity to shake off the moodiness & just enjoy being. Leo is the energy of wonder & delight, innocent appreciation for anything & everything, a celebration of self! The eternal & irresistible child in us all.

Since this current Full Moon is in Aquarius, Saturn figures into the energetic mix. That planet is currently retrograde & within a wide orb conjunction to the Full Moon.

Whatever challenges we may have experienced over the past little while Mars in Leo opposed Saturn in Aquarius (end of June-the beginning of July) while at the same time pulling in the square to Uranus in Taurus, we now have the opportunity to step back, pull up our breeches & resolve anything that might need resolving. With the wide conjunction of the Moon to Saturn, we can aspire to objectivity in all things emotional, take responsibility without a high degree of drama about the condition of our reality.  While forming a conjunction with the Moon, Saturn is also moving into an exact alignment via opposition to the Sun over the next few weeks with that opposition being exact on August 2, 2021. (For the purposes of inner work, however, we are already in the ‘orb’ of the opposition since Saturn is within 10* of the Sun at this current Full Moon.)

Both Saturn & the Sun are considered to be heavily magnetic energies that have powerful ‘pulling’ power so this alignment could well be felt for several weeks prior to & after the exact opposition. With Saturn in retrograde motion the sense is that he is moving into the range of the Sun’s energy field adding emphasis to the aspect. Because Saturn moves so slowly, he only aligns with the Sun by conjunction or opposition in any of the polarities every 15 years or so with the planets switching signs every other time. For the next year or so, the focus will be on the interaction of the energy with the Sun in Leo & Saturn in Aquarius; (these two planets meet by opposition again in August of 2022). In January of 2035 Saturn will be transiting Leo as the Sun moves through Aquarius, flipping the alignment.

And, of course, we will also experience a Sun/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in early 2022, but more on that in another post.

As Saturn makes his slow transit (approx. 30 yr cycle), of the zodiac, each energy is given the opportunity to rise to the height of its capacity of actualization. Saturn, the wise old man of the archetypes, facilitates the psyche to move into full maturity, accept responsibility, do what is appropriate for itself in that moment of time, be his/her own ‘boss of me’. It is now the Leo/Aquarius time to feel the conjunction/opposition impact of this growth into selfhood while the other two fixed signs, Taurus & Scorpio, will experience the energy through the action of the squares.

Sun/Saturn encourages us to establish our individual power & especially so when the Sun is in Leo. Someone who is ‘strongly’ Leo might feel that they are being challenged from every quarter with Saturn representing the collective energies. Or, they might feel that the ‘chickens are coming home to roost’, with past actions now resulting in present-time consequences. Alternatively, you might feel as if the collective energies are fueling you to clarify your own position in any number of circumstances. Who are you in terms of the social group you align to? Do you feel as if the social group around you is supportive? Are you comfortable with your place in that social group? Does the construct of your own personal reality align with who you truly are? Are you living in your truth or are you perpetuating a falsehood? Use the next few months to sort out how you feel about who you are & how you represent yourself.

And, of course, while this drama is played out between the Sun & Saturn, there will be opportunities several times a month to dig deep into the emotional energies you need to get to a place of sovereignty because the Moon will step into the dance as she rapidly transits the zodiac. With this current lunation, the Moon & Saturn are widely conjunct, as previously mentioned, so the energy of Moon/Saturn is marked at this time. This is the energy of emotional control; the energy of personal commitment & of potential accomplishment & success. Until March 2023, the Moon will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius once every month. If you are a fixed energy person, someone with a focus on Aquarius, a Moon, Sun or Rising in Aquarius, or someone with any of these points in fixed energy signs or airy signs, these monthly periods (about 3 days) will be particularly sensitive for you. Prepare yourself to explore emotional fortitude, increased personal empowerment & potential resolve & determination to enact your intentions. If you experience discomfort, dig deeply into that discomfort. What is causing you impediment? Why do you feel resistance? What needs to be altered so that your energy flows more coherently? This can be laborious, tedious & downright hard but in the end, it’s worth the effort that you make.

Along with the monthly conjunction, the Moon will make the whole range of aspects to Saturn as well. Watch for the conjunctions, squares, inconjuncts & oppositions to access needed resolve & fortitude while the sextiles & trines potentially provide much-needed facilitation in the face of challenging circumstances. A useful exercise is to look at the month & mark the days when the Moon aligns to Saturn using a colour coding system.





ADJUSTMENT; REVIEW; PAUSE                                 



EASE; SOLUTION; APPLICATION                                



If you do this every month, you will begin to see a pattern in terms of how YOU receive the above alignments. Make this monthly review a personal ritual. Everyone is unique & what is easy for some might be challenging for others & vice versa. For instance, if you have a lot of squares & conjunctions, the red days may be really productive for you so don’t pre-judge & whatever you do, do not sit in fear of aspects involving Saturn. He is not the monster that some make him out to be. It’s merely karma, baby. Do your due diligence & Saturn will back you up every time.

Again, we will all feel the energy according to our unique natal signature. With Saturn transiting the fixed air sign, fixed energy & airy energy persons could well be more triggered. However, tracking transits is a great way to understand just exactly how your own energy systems operate. This Full Moon is a great starting point for this sort of exercise since Saturn is closely aligned to both the Moon & the Sun by conjunction/opposition. The question of personal responsibility; of action & consequence; of the bottom line ‘reality check’ process is in full view. If you are on a journey into awareness, then this is the energy that serves you.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is found @ 2* Aquarius:


There’s an old adage that says if you should expect anything, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.

This is exactly the kind of time in which we live. Nothing is certain & everything is in flux. Be ready to receive sudden insights. Be open to anything new that will shift your perspective. It is often through a shock to one’s system that real change can occur. Certainly, make your plans, dream your dream but know that you have the ability to alter your course if you need to. Flexibility is the key to long-lasting success as you go through life.


New Moon in Cancer, July 9, 2021, 8:17 PM CDT

A new cycle begins & with the Sun/Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, we are challenged to carefully & methodically (Capricorn) scrutinize our emotional (Cancer) process to ensure that we are making the best possible choices for our well-being & continued growth (Pluto).

All of the outer planets except for Uranus are now in retrograde motion, suggesting introspection & meditation. Think carefully about how you feel & even more carefully about how you express those feelings (focus on Cancer-emotional). Emotions are unpredictable & with this New Moon being in its own home sign of Cancer, anything & everything is on the table in terms of emotional response. Feel it, to be sure, but take a pause before acting on whatever it is that you feel. (The Moon has long been understood to be one of the trigger energies when it aligns to any natal planet.)

The Cancer/Capricorn polarity juxtaposes practical response with emotional response. It’s a reminder that emotions are most powerful when we fully feel them and are able to appropriately express them; that we do not become victims to them. It is okay to be sad, to hurt, to be angry, even to feel vengeful. What is not okay is if we allow these raw emotions to control our behaviour. Sadness should be expressed & shared with supportive partners but it should not disempower our fight to heal ourselves. Anger & vengeance felt over injustice should lead to thoughtful strategies to RIGHT what is wrong but not to destroy for the sake of satisfying that angry, vengeful feeling.

At this New Moon, it is a good time to consider new methods of self-care. Our collective foundation has been disrupted over the past 18 months as we, as members of a global community, have attempted to find our place in this strange new reality. Though the majority has appeared to accept the so-called ‘new normal’, there is a growing push back to the narrative that has been imposed. Whether you are one of the contrarians or one of the acquiescent ones, adjustments will have to be made.

For those of you who simply do not accept the prevailing narrative & continue to ask questions & challenge the status quo, you must find ways to nurture yourselves since you are definitely in the minority at this point in time. Find your fellow travelers. Create support groups. Join with others who also prefer to think critically. This will take effort simply because there are fewer of you than those who have chosen to go along.

For those of you who have been willing to accept the prevailing narrative, be open to new information that continues to rise to the surface despite the censorship that has now become par for the course. There are now a rapidly growing number of medical professionals who are beginning to challenge the status quo. Your job is to hear what they have to say & honestly appraise it. Keep in mind that this is a singular event in the sense that society has NEVER responded to potential illness in this manner. In the past, the first line of defense was always the search for a therapeutic, & the development of a so-called ‘vaccine’ came later. At the very least, give some thought to this backward approach that has been undertaken. Ask yourself why. Go & look up the NUREMBURG CODE which was signed by the world’s nations at the end of the horrific WWII when it was discovered that the defeated Nazis had engaged in medical experimentation on those whom they had imprisoned. Consider that EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION for any kind of medical procedure is only given if there are no other therapeutics available. Look up IVERMECTIN. And if you do not find it on the first of your searches, keep digging. It is currently being used in MANY countries as the first line of defense for the virus. And remember, follow the money. It will always take you to the source of the issue. Just pause & calculate how many billions, if not trillions, big Pharma stands to make with universal mandatory vaccination that has to be boosted every 6 months. Just pause for a moment and ask yourself why the definition of ‘herd (natural) immunity’ has suddenly been modified by the powers in charge to reflect the necessity of vaccination. Just stop & consider how isolation & lockdown has actually delayed the organic & natural process of community immunity. And then go back & follow the money; see where it takes you. In the last 18 months, 9 new billionaires have emerged & they are all people connected to the pharmaceutical industry. HMMMMM…interesting…


The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:

Cancer 18*01’

(remember, round up)


Relationship is sacred & no more so than RIGHT NOW. Find your sacred relationships. Stay connected to those who are part of your tribe. Nurture these relationships, feed them, protect them because they are what will keep you safe & protected in the days to come.


Capricorn 18*01’


Are we dealing with more than we are able to? Are we inundated with so much information that it is almost impossible to make any sense of it? And yet, inexperienced as we are, do we have access to data that may, in the end, help us to sort all of this out? We all have to take one item at a time out of that shopping bag & examine it until we understand what it is & how it figures into our lives. It’s a slow & challenging process but it can be done. Baby steps, & one at a time.

This New Moon provides us with an opportunity to celebrate intimacy with our kith & kin; to create relationships based on a commonality of thought & purpose; to nurture both ourselves & those who similarly nurture us. The energy of Cancer, at the highest of levels, is Love Personal; the empathic emotional connection of one being to another being. So, no matter what your viewpoint is about this current global crisis situation, base ALL of your actions & responses on LOVE. Give permission to yourself to agree or disagree without animosity. Allow others to have their own sovereign viewpoints & respect that they have come to their conclusions based on real & valid personal experiences that they have had. Do not condemn others just so that YOU can feel more validated. Whatever choice you make is your choice to make. And that goes for everyone around you as well.



Glorious summer surrounds us in the northern hemisphere. Summer Solstice arrived on June 20, 2021. The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates the night sky just days after the arrival of the longest day of the year. Even in these strange & fear-filled times, the soul wants to sing its song of joy!

This Full Moon, earthy, grounded, organic, productive is augmented by a close sextile between Jupiter & the Moon & trine between Jupiter & the Sun, newly entered into Cancer. It’s all about the earth as it is nourished by the water of life. It’s about the opportunity to believe, to trust, to aspire despite contrary energy around us. We will find our way through our challenges. We will create a reality that is based on generosity & goodness. We can do it, especially if we find others who also share our vision of a united humankind. Give yourself permission to have faith. What have you got to lose?

The Sabian Symbols for this lunation are:






For many of us, there is a sense that we must begin again, get going after a time of inactivity. And yet, it is still not clear as to just where we are headed & how, exactly we will get there, though we know that we will need help & companions to do what needs to be done.

It is always easier to get things done when there is a group to do it. Thus, we must find that “group” & align to them so that we can embark on the journey ahead more easily & with greater confidence. Find your tribe, people!

And forget trying to reason with those who are not aligned to your way of thinking. What exactly do a cat & a mouse have in common? Any communication will be at cross purposes. Positions these days have become completely polarized & it often feels futile to try to get one’s thoughts across to others whose viewpoint is so diametrically opposed to our own. Better for the cat to leave the room & for the mouse to find her hidey-hole than to continue to hiss & claw at each other.

The earthy Capricorn Moon suggests practical approaches and a down-to-earth attitude both to functional situations & to emotionally charged ones. Look for solutions that ease tension & give a pathway forward both for yourself & for your partners. Common ground is what we all need these days.

By July 7-8, Mercury will have moved past the ‘shadow’ period of his retrograde. (See my blog about Mercury under ‘star stuff.) Glitches should lessen & hesitation of thought should alleviate. Mercury shifts into Cancer on July 11, 2021, around 3:30 pm. The frenetic mental energy of Gemini should abate & a more restful mind space should prevail. Think lazy days at the beach reading romance novels. No need to save the world! Let’s just save a little of ourselves.

Enjoy the next few weeks of glorious summer. Take a moment to view the gorgeous Moon in the summer night sky. Breathe in & release all your tension. Mind your ‘p’s’ & ‘q’s’ & be ready for the next cycle to begin…


The Moon; Magical & Mysterious: Ruler of Cancer

As we enter into the summer season, we find ourselves surrounded by the energy of Cancer, ruled by the night-time luminary, The Moon. The Sun’s ingress into Cancer signals that we have arrived at the Summer Solstice, that point in time when, in the Northern hemisphere, the light has stretched out to its maximum length. The farther north that we go, the longer the light lingers. No wonder this time is referred to as the long days of summer.

The Moon is the most magical &, in some ways, the most mysterious of Celestial Objects. Imagine that you are a ‘long-ago’ person who is watching the night sky. You see, over the course of several days, this luminescent sphere of light that continually changes its shape before your very eyes. As the days follow one another, it expands until it fills the night sky with its glow & then, just as rapidly, it begins to shrink until you can only see stars twinkling above you. Imagine how you might have felt as you watched this transformative process pattern itself in the skies above your head! Today, much of the magic & mystery has been stripped away from this truly amazing monthly event. We ‘moderns’ take it for granted because we have all learned about the prosaic aspect of orbits & rotations, but just imagine, if we knew nothing about astronomy. Magic, indeed!

Astrologically, the Moon is one of the primary archetypes that we look at when we are attempting to understand the dominant drivers within the persona. It informs us about the individual’s security mechanisms, instinctive reactions & essential personal needs, to name just a few. It is the Moon that reflects the solar force & it is through the fluctuating nature of the Moon that the personality reveals itself. No one is the same all the time, are they? Just as the Moon changes in terms of shape & luminescence, so do we, as individuals, shift according to the various influences that we experience on a daily basis. In Roman times, the emperors identified themselves by their Moon signs rather than their Sun signs since they understood that the Moon was a much more personal indicator of the psyche than the Sun. After all, as the earth orbits around the fixed star, The Sun, it resides in each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac for about 30 days. On the other hand, the Moon rapidly transits the entire Zodiac in each of those 30-day monthly periods spending only about 2 ½ days in each of the 12 signs. What is more personal to you, the month that you share with a whole slew of others or the day that you were born which you share with far fewer persons?

The archetypal placement of the Moon through the 12 signs of the Zodiac gives us a great starting point as we begin to unravel our essential natures. Much work has been done in this area of Lunar Archetypes. Following is a partial list of some of them. Find your own Moon sign to see if you can relate to the essence of what the archetype is suggesting.

Moon in:

Aries:                    THE WARRIOR: 

Here we find a need for action, autonomy & immediate gratification. Moon in Aries people are assertive & in most cases pretty independent. Good in a crisis because their default is to take action.



Taurus:                 THE FLOWER CHILD

These people are usually comfortable in their own skins; calm, reliable & practical. They have the ability to create the reality that they most desire. They make solid companions & are easy to be around.




Gemini:                THE TRICKSTER

Moon in Gemini folks are adaptable emotionally. They are eternally youthful & inquisitive about the world around them. Never give a party without some of these folks on your list. Witty, sometimes caustic but always engaging.                               


Cancer:                 THE CAREGIVER

These people have a great capacity to give comfort to others. They need to have a quiet & stable personal environment that they can escape to. The absolute best when you are ailing. They know exactly how to make you feel a bit better.


Leo:                       THE HERO

Moon in Leo people are the children of the Zodiac. Always needing lots of affirmation & an equal amount of fun in their lives. Because they so need to be loved, they have the ability to give BIG love in return.


Virgo:                    THE WISE ONE

These folks need order in their lives. They have an innate ability to research whatever they need to & the more that they organize themselves, the better they feel. It’s always a good idea to have one of these folks if you are needing to get something done. Love to work? Absolutely.




Libra:                     THE LOVER

Moon in Libra people love to love. When they are able to provide others with elegance & beauty, they feel fulfilled & accomplished. When it comes to the ‘companion’ experience, there is none quite like a Moon in Libra.



Scorpio:                THE MAGICIAN

Nothing is taboo for these edgy folks. If it’s hidden, they want to uncover it. If it’s scary, they push forward right into it. Brave. If you are in crisis or having a traumatic experience, these are the people who will most understand your pain.







Moon in Sag does not want the grass to grow under its feet. No matter where they are, these intrepid folks are always ready for the next big quest, whether actual or imagined. Fun to be around. Big personalities.


Capricorn:           THE BOSS

Competent, efficient, self-contained & no-nonsense. It’s all about getting down to business. The reason they are such good managers is because they know how to keep it from getting too personal.




Aquarius:             THE REBEL

These quirky folks see the world in a way the rest of us just can’t. Able to come up with new approaches to old problems. Once they are done with you, they are completely done with you. Good friends to all and any.



Pisces:                  THE MYSTIC

Poetic & dreamy, these tender ones are the children of the goddess. Their love for humanity & all things natural knows no bounds. Be prepared to venture to magical places when they are around.


These are merely a sample of the archetypes that we can apply to the various signs of the Zodiac. You can do your own research to find others that are equally applicable. When working with the archetypal method, the key is to discern how that universal energy might apply in your own day to day life.


Another way to dig deep into the Lunar energy of your own natal chart is to determine what phase the Moon was in when you were born. In astrology, we attribute 8 phases to the Moon & each one adds nuance to the persona. You will have either a waxing type phase or a waning type phase. The waxing phase if a growth phase, assimilative, increasing in both experience & application, ACQUIRING assets in its quest for selfhood. The waning type phase is integrative, with an emphasis on adjustment, refinement & understanding, now busy in the process of ALLOCATING the acquired assets to complete the quest for selfhood.

New Moon:  Waxing (0*-45*):    This is the SEED stage. At this time of the month, the Moon goes from invisible to barely visible. New Moon people are eager to learn, interested in all that is new, ready to start things. Lots of ideas & lots of desire to get those ideas off the ground.

In the natural wheel, this phase cover ALL of Aries & half of Taurus. Think about the excitement & zest of Aries & the groundedness & potential growth of Taurus. The idea is born & begins to take form.


The archetype for this phase is THE PIONEER.


Crescent Phase: Waxing (45*-90*): The SPROUT stage. In the sky, the Moon is a crescent shape & by the end of this phase is a half Moon shape. These people love to “do”. They have a natural vitality & take the ideas of the ‘seed’ stage & run with them. In the Natural Wheel, this phase cover half of Taurus & all of Gemini suggesting both concretization & investigation.

The archetype for this phase is THE ACTIVIST.


First Quarter Phase: Waxing (90*-135*):  The ROOT & LEAF stage. The Moon moves from half to humped in this phase. Things begin to fill out. Growth abounds. These are the folks who must act on their principles or die. They can often find themselves in conflict situations because they are so passionate about what they are beginning to believe. Their job is to face their inner crisis & then to take deliberate action to overcome it. In the Natural Wheel, this phase covers all of Cancer & half of Leo suggesting both the internalization process & the outward expression that can result from the inner struggle.

The archetype for this phase is THE HERO.



Gibbous Phase: Waxing (135*-180*): The BUD stage. The Humped Moon becomes Full in this phase. Things are coming to fruition but not entirely. There is still work to be done; to refine, to analyze, to adjust; to (hopefully) perfect. These folks are more restrained, less impetuous & able to integrate the experience into the enterprise. In the Natural Wheel, this phase finishes the Last half of Leo & takes in all of Virgo. Personal effort leads to refinement of ability.

The archetype for this phase is THE SCHOLAR.


Full Phase: Waning (180*-225*): The FRUITION stage. The Moon begins this phase as FULL & gradually wanes to Reversed Humped. A personality on full frontal review. There is a need here to be seen, to speak out, to demonstrate the ‘fruits’ of the self to others. These people have an inborn magnetism that can either draw others to them or, conversely, cause others to be repelled after the initial interaction. Usually, they know who they are & have a strong need to externalize that knowledge. In the Natural Wheel this phase covers all of Libra & half of Scorpio. Interaction & compulsion.

The archetype for this phase is THE PERFORMER.

Disseminating Phase: Waning (225*-270*): The HARVEST stage. The Moon visibly shifts from Reversed Humped to Reversed half in the sky. Here we can discover a deliberative & considered personality. There is an air of stored wisdom, the ability to instruct others, a sense of generosity of self along with a powerful presence of integrity & truth-telling. The certainty of this stage can calm & inspire at the same time. In the Natural Wheel this phase covers the latter half of Scorpio & all of Sagittarius suggesting power & wisdom & incredible ethical conduct but this must be linked to a clearly defined personal mission that one can commit to.

The archetype for this phase is THE PILGRIM.

Last Quarter Phase: Waning (270*-315*): The DECOMPOSITION stage. The visible Moon now shrinks from Reversed Half to Reversed Crescent. Here is a personality in flux. The crisis of the First Quarter phase was all about the need for action but in the last quarter phase the crisis involves one’s essential consciousness. Everything is now being reviewed & questioned. All formulations are held up to the harsh light of day & released as necessary. Whatever is no longer relevant is discarded. Personal transformation is not only possible but, if the self is developed, probable. Out of the fullness of previous wisdom a whole new protocol can be formed.  This phase covers all of Capricorn & the first half of Aquarius in the Natural Wheel.

The archetype for this phase is THE REFORMER.

Balsamic Phase: Waning (315*-360*): The FALLOW or REST stage. The visible Moon now shrinks back into darkness by the end of this phase signaling that a cycle has been completed & that a new cycle is about to begin. There can be two stages within this phase, the first being the Waning Crescent stage, 315*-345* & the second being the ‘true’ balsamic phase covering the last 15* from 345*-360*. In the first part, the surrender of all things begins. There is a sense of completion with a need to spend much time in meditative thought. Whatever needs completion will now be completed. This could result in a life of ‘cleaning up’ of unfinished business. Whatever the case, a key element in this phase is an intuitive body of knowledge that lends itself to great insight. As this phase progresses, there is a distillation of this energy so that the individual could present themselves as one with tremendous psychic ability, either in the area of prophecy or channeling. The transition that is occurring is in preparation for a whole new cycle of becoming that begins in the New Phase. In the Natural Wheel this phase covers the last half of Aquarius & the whole of Pisces.

For the first part of this phase the archetype is THE CONTEMPLATIVE.


In the last 15* we encounter THE PROPHET.





Once you determine what phase you were born under, synthesize it with the sign that your Moon occupies. You will find, as you meditate on it, that it will reveal subtleties of persona that may even surprise you.

If you do not know what phase you were born under, feel free to send me an email with your birth data & I will send you your information. First name is more than sufficient for this process.

Birth data: day, month year, time of day & geographical location.





New Moon in Gemini, June 10, 2021 @ 5:54 am CDT

This New Moon & Solar Eclipse is closely aligned to Mercury in Gemini Retrograde. The little scoundrel shifted into retrograde motions on May 29.


(See my blog on The Nuances of Mercury under ‘star stuff’.)

The energy of Gemini is all about connection so be prepared to deal with unexpected ‘connection’ issues. This does not necessarily mean that you will have problems; it could be that the way that you connect may take an unexpected turn or that you may need to re-organize the way that you utilize your various ‘connection’ protocols. If you have Gemini, Mercury or the 3rd House highly focused within your psyche, you might sense the vibrational shifts around this time period more acutely than others might. Remember, celestial events interact with us in an individual way because, each one of us, is unique.

No matter how this energy actually demonstrates itself in your life, it’s time to release & set new intentions. With the nodes moving into the first (but for the nodes, final) decanate of Sagittarius/ Gemini, with the north node pulling us all into the Gemini/Gemini dynamic, we are encouraged to reset the way that we think, reason, communicate & connect, especially to those who are closest to us. The nodes will shift into Scorpio/Taurus in early 2022 so take the time in the next few months to clarify what you think & how you express those thoughts.

This New Moon is made more intense due to the eclipse. Solar eclipses are a signal that it’s time to re-envision our goals; our directions. If this eclipse is close to any of your critical points, then you have the opportunity to ‘let it go’ & reboot; how you see your life path; how you communicate & interact; possibly even allowing new points of view into your reality matrix, broadening out & embracing the possibilities that are present.

The Sabian Symbol for 20* Gemini is:


Life, in all of its many & varied possibilities, is an ongoing adventure into choice; into the selection of what we might think or feel is the optimum choice at any given moment. Ultimately, the choice is for each individual to make. The image of the cafeteria suggests that we need not be limited to any one set of protocols or, to stay with the symbolism of food, any particular cuisine, etc. We might be vegetarians, omnivores or carnivores, or all! We can choose one type of potato one time or rice the next time. It truly is an ongoing experiment into the variety available. Being human means that we have the POWER TO CHOOSE! We can assess what we see before us & come to conclusions as to how to proceed. The Geminian emphasis on accessing information so as to better make decisions is highlighted with this Sabian Symbol.

Where is Gemini in your natal chart? That’s the place to begin your search. What part of your life do you approach in a Gemini-like fashion? For instance, let’s say you have Gemini in the 9th house. That means that you might have a Libra rising which indicates that you prefer to understand things, to reason things out & that you NEED a LOT of data before you can qualify what you actually THINK. You are probably a bit restless when it comes to your philosophical viewpoints & you like to explore alternatives before settling into any one thing. This New Moon Solar Eclipse will open the ‘doors of perception’ in your mind. You may suddenly begin to understand things in a new way. You may even get access to information previously unknown. Exciting!

After the last few months of 2021, we are now heading into full ‘retrograde’ season. As I’ve said previously, both Pluto & Saturn shifted RX in April & May. At the very end of May, we moved into a Mercury RX period that lasts until the end of June & then into July if you allow for the ‘shadow’ period. Just before the next FULL MOON, at the Summer Solstice, Jupiter shifts RX & begins to move back into Aquarius. Just after the Summer Solstice, Neptune shifts RX. It’s time for us to reconsider just who we are & what we are doing & for those of us who can bear to, why the heck we are doing what we are doing. Take the time & hold it to your heart. Embrace doubt. Open yourself to the mystery of YOU. You are your own spiritual mentor. You are your own inner healer. You are the bottom line when all is said & done. Don’t cave into peer pressure. Trust your gut when it tells you that you must go your own way. It’s not easy but it is a necessity!



The Lunar Eclipse for this Full Moon occurs @ 6* (5*25”) of Sagittarius/Gemini.

(aside: some of you have asked why I round the degree up. When I incorporate the Sabian Symbols into the discussion, it is necessary to round up since the symbols begin, NOT AT 0* but at 1*. Thus, any arithmetical point from 0*-0*59” would be read as 1*, and so forth. If you look up this eclipse, or any other, for that matter, it will often be referred to as being @ 5* of Sagittarius. This is completely accurate. However, when determining the Sabian Symbol, since the actual degree is 5*25”, I use the ‘rounded up’ 6* point. For the purposes of locating the eclipse degree point within your own chart, use a flexible orb in both directions. Every astrologer has her own perspective on what the orb should be, but the general rule is usually no more than 5* on either side, (though most astrologers default to a lesser orb). I suggest that, if you are starting to work with eclipses, use the wider orb & observe. Thus, go back as far as 0* Sagittarius/Gemini & go ahead as far as 10* Sagittarius/Gemini. Eclipses are funny. They can explode into your external reality like a bomb or they can insinuate themselves into your internal reality like an ‘ear worm’ that you just can’t get rid of. If you are aware of where in your psyche the eclipse is occurring, you can track & observe any effects, obvious or nuanced. Also, the so-called ‘effects’ of the eclipse can extend for several months on either side of the actual event, so if the eclipse happens to be very close to one of your personal planets or angles of your chart, you may already be experiencing phenomena associated with the impulse of the energy.)

So, 6* Sag/Gem…



Any undertaking requires us to be persistent. Sometimes, when we are engaged in the ‘GAME’ of life, we have to ‘drill deep’. There are times when we need to revisit the ‘rules’ that we have been following. Are they the ‘right’ rules for us? Will these ‘rules’ help to get us to our desired goals? Is what we want to accomplish—that ‘oil’ for which we drill, worth the effort we are making? Do we need to find another drilling site & incorporate new ‘rules’ in this ‘game of life’? And perhaps, we need to adjust our attitude; understand that although goals are certainly useful, in the end its really about HOW WE PLAYED THE GAME that matters the most.

Sagittarius is about ethical behaviour, truth-telling, honest appraisal & the courage to venture into the unknown with the knowledge that its worth the risk to do so. Be brave & intrepid in the elaborate, yet simple, ‘game of life’ & drill deep into every thought, intention & motivation so that you play the game with integrity & authenticity. Gemini, the polarity energy is about the accumulation of information that eventually leads each person into her own ‘truth’. This is the energy of inquisitive & ongoing exploration for the purpose of expanding one’s database of knowledge. It is a necessary component part of the ‘search for truth & meaning’.

We now have two of the planets in retrograde motion. Pluto, transiting Capricorn, turned retrograde on April 27 & Saturn, transiting Aquarius, joined on May 23. Plus, get yourself ready for the second Mercury Retrograde this year, getting started on May 31 & finishing up June 23, this time in the airy sign of Gemini. Learn about the SHADOW RETROGRADE periods that precede & follow the official retrograde by reading my blog under ‘star stuff’ on this website, where I dig into the NUANCES OF MERCURY, ruler of Gemini!

The retrograding planets signal that as we attempt to redefine our reality, we need to keep checking in with ourselves so that we lay a solid foundation for the life we are creating for ourselves. The internalization process echoes the symbolism of the Sabian Symbol, DRILLING FOR OIL, discussed previously.

Not only is this lunation a LUNAR ECLIPSE, the nodes, @ 11* Sag/Gem, are stationed retrograde, about to go direct for a brief, few days. The general motion of the nodes is retrograde and they only move in direct motion for a few days a couple of times each month. Nodal Direct energy is noteworthy. It’s a time of clarity in terms of directional impulse. People born with this energy wired into their psyches have the potential to follow themselves into their future with a high degree of certainty, often expressing this in a dynamic & forceful way. For the collective it’s like a jolt of energy being funneled into our collective ‘soul’. We are encouraged to access the powerful eclipse energy of this Full Moon & rearrange our emotional reality. Most of us are suffering some degree of trauma from the strange events of the last few years. What do we really feel about what has been going on? Are we certain that our understanding of this worldwide ‘shock to our system’ is on point? Are we confident that the ‘powers that be’ are making the best-case choices for the human family? Each of us has to individually answer these questions if they have risen up in our minds. Each one of us has to be the final arbiter for our life.

Jupiter is just entered into Pisces where he will remain until the end of July, at which point he retrogrades into Aquarius again. He does not re-enter Pisces again until the end of December. Jupiter is comfortable in Pisces where ethics & spiritual purposefulness combine. This ‘divinely’ wired energy squares the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse & the nodes, which includes both luminaries, Sun & Moon, suggesting that a change must come to the way that we live here on the earth. Are we truly aligned with divine principle? Do we nurture this planet to the best of our ability? Do we act in harmony with Nature? Are we motivated by earthly desires that could lead us into self-serving choices? These are simple questions but they are also incredibly challenging ones. We, here in the so-called ‘first’ world live entitled & opulent lives, even those of us who feel as if we are struggling. In the undeveloped parts of the world, there are entire cities of millions of people who still do not have any sort of sophisticated infrastructure, with no running water or sewer systems and no access to high-efficiency fuel. The largest city by population in Congo is Kinshasa with a population of 13,260,000 people whose main source of fuel is wood. That is obscene. It’s one thing to use wood for an occasional campfire but to have to use it on a daily basis when surrounded by millions of other people? Why do we allow it? True unconditional LOVE does not count the COST when seeking to create health & welfare for those who do not have access to it. When will we, as the ‘royalty’ of this global community begin to exercise unconditional love to our brothers & sisters who are suffering? Does your heart hurt when you think about this iniquitous set of circumstances? If yes, then you are vibrating in alignment with the energy of this Full Moon. The choice, as demonstrated by Jupiter in Pisces square both Luminaries & the Nodes in Gemini/Sag, is the one that only we can make.

We are in the transition time between Pluto in Capricorn & Pluto in Aquarius. During 2023 & 2024, the god of the underworld will be fluctuating back and forth between these two energies before entering fully into Aquarius. Pluto will transit Aquarius from March, 2023-mid January 2044. It’s a LONG transit. For now, there is still adjustment to be made both collectively & individually. What kind of global family do we want to create? Are we content with the current state of affairs globally? What can we do, on an individual level to support a healthier, holistic way of life? Don’t allow yourself to feel powerless. Look deep into your own individual heart–as demonstrated by Cancer, the polarity energy to Capricorn & embrace the individual empowerment of Leo, the polarity energy of Aquarius. Change happens one person at a time.

For now, as we navigate through the last few degrees of Pluto through Capricorn, we can purge our hearts, the Cancer polarity energy, & ensure that we are clear about how we FEEL about the current status quo, as demonstrated by the Capricorn energy. Clearly, our reality is changing & it is up to each one of us to support the kind of structure that best serves humanity as a whole. The collective consciousness is reforming itself under the electric energy of Aquarius. We have been shifting into the Age of Aquarius & soon, we will be entrenching the cornerstones for the next 2 millennia as Pluto transits Aquarius.

This Full Moon provides us with the energy of insight–Sagittarius. It points the way to ever more data gathering–Gemini. It shines a laser-like light on the need for spirituality–Jupiter in Pisces. Our job is to dive deep into our own sense of spiritual connection, to ensure that we are acting with full understanding, to follow the path into a human condition that is decent, kind & loving toward all.