New Moon in Gemini, June 10, 2021 @ 5:54 am CDT

This New Moon & Solar Eclipse is closely aligned to Mercury in Gemini Retrograde. The little scoundrel shifted into retrograde motions on May 29.


(See my blog on The Nuances of Mercury under ‘star stuff’.)

The energy of Gemini is all about connection so be prepared to deal with unexpected ‘connection’ issues. This does not necessarily mean that you will have problems; it could be that the way that you connect may take an unexpected turn or that you may need to re-organize the way that you utilize your various ‘connection’ protocols. If you have Gemini, Mercury or the 3rd House highly focused within your psyche, you might sense the vibrational shifts around this time period more acutely than others might. Remember, celestial events interact with us in an individual way because, each one of us, is unique.

No matter how this energy actually demonstrates itself in your life, it’s time to release & set new intentions. With the nodes moving into the first (but for the nodes, final) decanate of Sagittarius/ Gemini, with the north node pulling us all into the Gemini/Gemini dynamic, we are encouraged to reset the way that we think, reason, communicate & connect, especially to those who are closest to us. The nodes will shift into Scorpio/Taurus in early 2022 so take the time in the next few months to clarify what you think & how you express those thoughts.

This New Moon is made more intense due to the eclipse. Solar eclipses are a signal that it’s time to re-envision our goals; our directions. If this eclipse is close to any of your critical points, then you have the opportunity to ‘let it go’ & reboot; how you see your life path; how you communicate & interact; possibly even allowing new points of view into your reality matrix, broadening out & embracing the possibilities that are present.

The Sabian Symbol for 20* Gemini is:


Life, in all of its many & varied possibilities, is an ongoing adventure into choice; into the selection of what we might think or feel is the optimum choice at any given moment. Ultimately, the choice is for each individual to make. The image of the cafeteria suggests that we need not be limited to any one set of protocols or, to stay with the symbolism of food, any particular cuisine, etc. We might be vegetarians, omnivores or carnivores, or all! We can choose one type of potato one time or rice the next time. It truly is an ongoing experiment into the variety available. Being human means that we have the POWER TO CHOOSE! We can assess what we see before us & come to conclusions as to how to proceed. The Geminian emphasis on accessing information so as to better make decisions is highlighted with this Sabian Symbol.

Where is Gemini in your natal chart? That’s the place to begin your search. What part of your life do you approach in a Gemini-like fashion? For instance, let’s say you have Gemini in the 9th house. That means that you might have a Libra rising which indicates that you prefer to understand things, to reason things out & that you NEED a LOT of data before you can qualify what you actually THINK. You are probably a bit restless when it comes to your philosophical viewpoints & you like to explore alternatives before settling into any one thing. This New Moon Solar Eclipse will open the ‘doors of perception’ in your mind. You may suddenly begin to understand things in a new way. You may even get access to information previously unknown. Exciting!

After the last few months of 2021, we are now heading into full ‘retrograde’ season. As I’ve said previously, both Pluto & Saturn shifted RX in April & May. At the very end of May, we moved into a Mercury RX period that lasts until the end of June & then into July if you allow for the ‘shadow’ period. Just before the next FULL MOON, at the Summer Solstice, Jupiter shifts RX & begins to move back into Aquarius. Just after the Summer Solstice, Neptune shifts RX. It’s time for us to reconsider just who we are & what we are doing & for those of us who can bear to, why the heck we are doing what we are doing. Take the time & hold it to your heart. Embrace doubt. Open yourself to the mystery of YOU. You are your own spiritual mentor. You are your own inner healer. You are the bottom line when all is said & done. Don’t cave into peer pressure. Trust your gut when it tells you that you must go your own way. It’s not easy but it is a necessity!



The Lunar Eclipse for this Full Moon occurs @ 6* (5*25”) of Sagittarius/Gemini.

(aside: some of you have asked why I round the degree up. When I incorporate the Sabian Symbols into the discussion, it is necessary to round up since the symbols begin, NOT AT 0* but at 1*. Thus, any arithmetical point from 0*-0*59” would be read as 1*, and so forth. If you look up this eclipse, or any other, for that matter, it will often be referred to as being @ 5* of Sagittarius. This is completely accurate. However, when determining the Sabian Symbol, since the actual degree is 5*25”, I use the ‘rounded up’ 6* point. For the purposes of locating the eclipse degree point within your own chart, use a flexible orb in both directions. Every astrologer has her own perspective on what the orb should be, but the general rule is usually no more than 5* on either side, (though most astrologers default to a lesser orb). I suggest that, if you are starting to work with eclipses, use the wider orb & observe. Thus, go back as far as 0* Sagittarius/Gemini & go ahead as far as 10* Sagittarius/Gemini. Eclipses are funny. They can explode into your external reality like a bomb or they can insinuate themselves into your internal reality like an ‘ear worm’ that you just can’t get rid of. If you are aware of where in your psyche the eclipse is occurring, you can track & observe any effects, obvious or nuanced. Also, the so-called ‘effects’ of the eclipse can extend for several months on either side of the actual event, so if the eclipse happens to be very close to one of your personal planets or angles of your chart, you may already be experiencing phenomena associated with the impulse of the energy.)

So, 6* Sag/Gem…



Any undertaking requires us to be persistent. Sometimes, when we are engaged in the ‘GAME’ of life, we have to ‘drill deep’. There are times when we need to revisit the ‘rules’ that we have been following. Are they the ‘right’ rules for us? Will these ‘rules’ help to get us to our desired goals? Is what we want to accomplish—that ‘oil’ for which we drill, worth the effort we are making? Do we need to find another drilling site & incorporate new ‘rules’ in this ‘game of life’? And perhaps, we need to adjust our attitude; understand that although goals are certainly useful, in the end its really about HOW WE PLAYED THE GAME that matters the most.

Sagittarius is about ethical behaviour, truth-telling, honest appraisal & the courage to venture into the unknown with the knowledge that its worth the risk to do so. Be brave & intrepid in the elaborate, yet simple, ‘game of life’ & drill deep into every thought, intention & motivation so that you play the game with integrity & authenticity. Gemini, the polarity energy is about the accumulation of information that eventually leads each person into her own ‘truth’. This is the energy of inquisitive & ongoing exploration for the purpose of expanding one’s database of knowledge. It is a necessary component part of the ‘search for truth & meaning’.

We now have two of the planets in retrograde motion. Pluto, transiting Capricorn, turned retrograde on April 27 & Saturn, transiting Aquarius, joined on May 23. Plus, get yourself ready for the second Mercury Retrograde this year, getting started on May 31 & finishing up June 23, this time in the airy sign of Gemini. Learn about the SHADOW RETROGRADE periods that precede & follow the official retrograde by reading my blog under ‘star stuff’ on this website, where I dig into the NUANCES OF MERCURY, ruler of Gemini!

The retrograding planets signal that as we attempt to redefine our reality, we need to keep checking in with ourselves so that we lay a solid foundation for the life we are creating for ourselves. The internalization process echoes the symbolism of the Sabian Symbol, DRILLING FOR OIL, discussed previously.

Not only is this lunation a LUNAR ECLIPSE, the nodes, @ 11* Sag/Gem, are stationed retrograde, about to go direct for a brief, few days. The general motion of the nodes is retrograde and they only move in direct motion for a few days a couple of times each month. Nodal Direct energy is noteworthy. It’s a time of clarity in terms of directional impulse. People born with this energy wired into their psyches have the potential to follow themselves into their future with a high degree of certainty, often expressing this in a dynamic & forceful way. For the collective it’s like a jolt of energy being funneled into our collective ‘soul’. We are encouraged to access the powerful eclipse energy of this Full Moon & rearrange our emotional reality. Most of us are suffering some degree of trauma from the strange events of the last few years. What do we really feel about what has been going on? Are we certain that our understanding of this worldwide ‘shock to our system’ is on point? Are we confident that the ‘powers that be’ are making the best-case choices for the human family? Each of us has to individually answer these questions if they have risen up in our minds. Each one of us has to be the final arbiter for our life.

Jupiter is just entered into Pisces where he will remain until the end of July, at which point he retrogrades into Aquarius again. He does not re-enter Pisces again until the end of December. Jupiter is comfortable in Pisces where ethics & spiritual purposefulness combine. This ‘divinely’ wired energy squares the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse & the nodes, which includes both luminaries, Sun & Moon, suggesting that a change must come to the way that we live here on the earth. Are we truly aligned with divine principle? Do we nurture this planet to the best of our ability? Do we act in harmony with Nature? Are we motivated by earthly desires that could lead us into self-serving choices? These are simple questions but they are also incredibly challenging ones. We, here in the so-called ‘first’ world live entitled & opulent lives, even those of us who feel as if we are struggling. In the undeveloped parts of the world, there are entire cities of millions of people who still do not have any sort of sophisticated infrastructure, with no running water or sewer systems and no access to high-efficiency fuel. The largest city by population in Congo is Kinshasa with a population of 13,260,000 people whose main source of fuel is wood. That is obscene. It’s one thing to use wood for an occasional campfire but to have to use it on a daily basis when surrounded by millions of other people? Why do we allow it? True unconditional LOVE does not count the COST when seeking to create health & welfare for those who do not have access to it. When will we, as the ‘royalty’ of this global community begin to exercise unconditional love to our brothers & sisters who are suffering? Does your heart hurt when you think about this iniquitous set of circumstances? If yes, then you are vibrating in alignment with the energy of this Full Moon. The choice, as demonstrated by Jupiter in Pisces square both Luminaries & the Nodes in Gemini/Sag, is the one that only we can make.

We are in the transition time between Pluto in Capricorn & Pluto in Aquarius. During 2023 & 2024, the god of the underworld will be fluctuating back and forth between these two energies before entering fully into Aquarius. Pluto will transit Aquarius from March, 2023-mid January 2044. It’s a LONG transit. For now, there is still adjustment to be made both collectively & individually. What kind of global family do we want to create? Are we content with the current state of affairs globally? What can we do, on an individual level to support a healthier, holistic way of life? Don’t allow yourself to feel powerless. Look deep into your own individual heart–as demonstrated by Cancer, the polarity energy to Capricorn & embrace the individual empowerment of Leo, the polarity energy of Aquarius. Change happens one person at a time.

For now, as we navigate through the last few degrees of Pluto through Capricorn, we can purge our hearts, the Cancer polarity energy, & ensure that we are clear about how we FEEL about the current status quo, as demonstrated by the Capricorn energy. Clearly, our reality is changing & it is up to each one of us to support the kind of structure that best serves humanity as a whole. The collective consciousness is reforming itself under the electric energy of Aquarius. We have been shifting into the Age of Aquarius & soon, we will be entrenching the cornerstones for the next 2 millennia as Pluto transits Aquarius.

This Full Moon provides us with the energy of insight–Sagittarius. It points the way to ever more data gathering–Gemini. It shines a laser-like light on the need for spirituality–Jupiter in Pisces. Our job is to dive deep into our own sense of spiritual connection, to ensure that we are acting with full understanding, to follow the path into a human condition that is decent, kind & loving toward all.


New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021 @ 2:01 pm CDT

Another cycle of emotional growth begins. As we enter into the growing season, we seek the rejuvenation that early spring promises. With a lovely New Moon in the organic energy of Taurus, we feel a recharge. As the physical world transforms from the slumber of wintertime into the burgeoning growth of springtime, so does the New Moon energy call us into a re-framing of our essential selves. The last Full Moon pointed the way for us. What hidden facets of yourself were uncovered? How can you access the secrets of your soul to begin again? Knowledge is power, but only if it is used appropriately. In Taurus, we return to the bare essentials. What do we actually need to live in fullness? Look around at your life. Where do you find ground? What makes you feel alive? When do you feel most connected to your breath; that is what keeps you moving, after all.

Situated at 22*, this lunation is infused with the transformative energy of purposefulness by Pluto @ 27* of Capricorn. The God of the Underworld made his Station & began to shift retrograde on April 28th, just after the last Full Moon in Scorpio. It is as if Luna sent a signal to him from the fullness of her Scorpionic energy. Time to go within! We can access the inward pulling force of Pluto’s transformative energy & we can be willing to make room for new growth in our lives. The suggestion is that NOTHING can survive without ongoing change energy. Leave something unused for any length of time & it begins to fall apart, to get rigid & unmovable.

At this New Moon resolve to find ways to move your energy. Even with ongoing social restrictions, we can get outside, soak in the healing Sun, breathe the fresh air with some measure of freedom. At the very least, for those of us who have yards, let’s use them. If general movement is hindered, go into your backyard & move around there. By the way, have you heard of the recent & various studies that indicate that outdoor mask-wearing provides ‘MINISCULE’ protection from this or any other virus? Another reason to get outside where the cleansing energy of the Sun can fill us up with natural immunity & resilience.

The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon are:



If we want to create the peace we yearn for, we must be proactive & determined to do so. Being passive will not get us to our destination. Use all of your acquired tools to ACTIVELY, even aggressively ‘hunt’ for your prize of wellness; of tranquility; of transformation; of new growth. An effort is necessary if the desired goal is to be reached. But, be aware that this peace of BEING is present if we just reach out for it mindfully, with full consciousness.

Certainly, that is what we all want; to get to a place of peacefulness both within ourselves & with those around us. On the broadest of levels, I think that we can all agree that we are tired of the polarized discord of our current reality, the distrust, the suspicion, the anger. We are often hesitant to say what we think because of this stark divisiveness and yet, the only sure way to create commonality is to attempt to find common ground. No matter how profoundly you might disagree with those around you, avidly seek the thing on which you do agree. Taurus energy is foundational, intrinsic, the absolute lowest common denominator of any given situation; simplicity at its finest. Taurus energy is about the essential creativity within us all. The obvious correlation is the energy of birth itself. The making of another living being is the ultimate act of creation. It is the beginning of all things, love concretized into human form.

Gaia, the GREAT MOTHER, is Taurus energy in full resplendant action. At this most critical time in human consciousness, trust in the unrelenting energy of GAIA to protect her creation. Her light will overtake the dark. Her natural healing power will protect her creation. Blessed Be.

The ruler of this New Moon Taurus energy is Venus in Gemini. Find the loving words you need to heal the wounds you hold within yourself & those you bear witness to in others. Speak gently, lightly to soothe the soul. Transformation arises from a place deep within the soul. Exercise your listening ears to hear the call to this much-needed transformation. Allow your mental body to receive your truth, whatever that might be. And act from the heart, the heart of forgiveness, the heart of empathy, the heart of love.

Where does this lovely New Moon fall in your chart? That is the place where you have the opportunity to begin again, to start anew, to build up from the basics. If you know your chart, you can place 22* Taurus/Scorpio into it & begin to track what part of your psyche is being activated to reframe itself.

Asc/Des:  ME/YOU

Re-introduce yourself to yourself. How can you simplify your life? How can you interact with more empathy? Seek out healing associates. Make new friendships that are based on authentic connections. Speak truth in all of your interactions or, if you dare not speak truth, then abstain from combative words and speak the truth silently to yourself. Find new & simple ways to express who you are to those you choose to be with.


Do you need to re-examine your basic values? What can you align to that will provide you with a greater sense of personal power? Are your current values providing you with a sense of security or do feel lost & powerless as a result of your values? How do you use your personal power in your day-to-day life? Are you sensitive to others’ boundaries? Do you respect those boundaries, both within yourself & within others?


Learn something new & make sure that it is useful. Pursue ways to simplify your thoughts. Try to express yourself in down-to-earth ways that make sense. Develop ways to include a sense of faith into your day-to-day life. Does your spiritual focus need an overhaul? Be willing to experiment with new approaches to the way you think, communicate & connect with your own version of the divine.


Keep it simple. Stick to the basics both privately & publicly. What can you let go of so that you are not using all of your energy to keep things afloat? Does your persona need an overhaul? Who do you really want to be known as? What can you do to get closer to your own ideal version of yourself? What about your home? What can you do to make it more reflective of who you truly are? Too much junk? Get rid of it. There are plenty of thrift stores ready to take what you have to give.


Get frisky! Rediscover the pleasure of the organic. Re-imagine your creative projects & start making them real. Be brutal about what really makes you anticipate the future. Review your goals & dreams & get real about them. Is what you are aspiring towards really attainable? Is it practical? Can you actually imagine it into existence? Want less & you will receive more. That is a secret not many know! Happiness is a calm heart & a contented mind.




What is at least one new & healing habit you can introduce into your daily routine? Can you make an effort to be more connected to the natural world on a physical level? Target just one thing per day that you can reorder & by the end of the month at least 30 things will have been put into place. Throw away one never-used item per day & watch your life get less cluttered. If a daily purge is still too overwhelming, start with one item per week. Keep it going, no matter how hard it might be. Make your faith real. If you are having a hard time staying connected to your own version of the divine, increase your spiritual practice & support it with concrete habitual rituals that will help to remind you of your own divinity. Yes, we are flesh & blood but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Be willing to go deep into yourself & find the infinite & immortal version of YOU.









Full Moon in Scorpio April 26, 2021 @ 10:33 pm

Full Moons bring a sense of revelation to any process. Anything that has not yet been fully ‘seen’, may suddenly be revealed. The efforts that we might have initiated at the New Moon can be brought to fruition or, at the very least, whatever is intrinsic to the project is uncovered.

The Full Moon is akin to the opposition in astrology because it is at this point that the Moon is directly opposite to the Sun, thus basking in that light & fully visible. So, think about what the opposition aspect can contribute to any process. When we are able to view things from an objective perspective, we can often ‘see’ elements within any situation that are obscured when we view it from the subjective perspective. It seems simple enough and yet, objectivity is one of the hardest modes to accomplish. Most of us are more comfortable sitting securely within our personal bubbles and are content to continue to view reality in this most singular fashion.

The opposition aspect, when accessed at the highest of energetic levels brings balance. It allows the self to embrace the energy of ‘the other’. Once that ‘other’ energy is integrated into one’s reality, an ‘even-ing out’ can occur; balance. Often, in order to get to the balance point, some degree of confrontation or conflict must take place. Unlike the rather strange cancel culture that is operative these days, we do not wish to subscribe to the repression of alternate points of view or modes of operation. Rather, we want to explore all possible protocols to ensure that the one that we choose to adopt is, indeed, the right one for each of us individually. Investigation, exploration & the testing of any and all proposals are critical as we search for knowledge, as we endeavor to refine ourselves emotionally, as we pierce the veil to seek the ‘truth’. Don’t fall victim to the repressive tactics of today’s thought police. Continue to challenge the narrative & think independently, to push the bar. It is only if we are courageous on this level that new understanding can ever be reached. Repression of alternate viewpoints can only lead to IMBALANCE. Be the willow tree, not the oak. Flow naturally with the winds of change.

When the Moon is Full in Scorpio, the deepest of emotions are revealed. This is an energy of secret depths and when the Moon is at her full point those secrets can suddenly come out into illumination. Everyone has things that they hold deep within them, that they do not wish to share. But, as the saying goes, ‘the truth will out…’& in Scorpio, it can be a truth that is difficult to face either by self or the other. So, be mindful of the secrets you hold. If you do not wish to share them, bury them deep within your sacred space and be truthful with, at the very least, yourself. But understand, that if they do surface, all you can do is to courageously accept the consequences of your hidden past.

You can click on the chart to enlarge it…

In this lunation, Mars, newly entered into Cancer is in trine/sextile to the Full Moon suggesting that peaceful action is the best course to follow. Make amends if the secrets cause pain. Be sympathetic to others’ hurt if they feel it. Choose the path of forgiveness if you are the one who discovers a long-hidden secret.

And secrets could well be revealed! Uranus is closely aligned to the Sun & Moon both by conjunction (Sun) & opposition (Moon), suggesting a certain degree of surprise, of unpredictable circumstance. Emotions suddenly surfaced can be a challenge to manage so be mindful if you find yourself in unexpected situations where feelings run high. Saturn in Aquarius squares the Lunation & is still in a separating square aspect with Uranus providing us with the strength that we need when navigating sensitive interactions. No matter how difficult it might be to ‘face’ the truth, in the long run, it is better to walk in honesty than to sink into illusion. Put on the complete armor of the Spirit so as to guard your heart & fortify your mental powers. Before reacting to any emotional outbursts, use your feet to walk away & regain your composure if need be. The armor metaphor is so fitting these days as we all navigate one of the strangest times in human history. It’s a  time when personal emotions are being sorely tested by external non-personal forces. It is not surprising if we project the uncertainty & fear that we might be feeling into our personal lives. For this reason, we must constantly reinforce ourselves spiritually.

The Biblical metaphor, described in Ephesians 6:10-18 is quite beautiful. The ‘Helmet of Salvation’ ensures that our thoughts are focused on that which preserves. The ‘Breastplate of Righteousness’ protects our hearts as we face those who wish us harm. The ‘Sword of the Spirit’ gives us the will to counter lies with truth. The ‘Shield of Faith’ ensures that no matter what we encounter, we have the capacity to withstand it. The shoes we wear are ‘the Equipment of Peace’ so that we can walk away if need be. Our job is to keep this spiritual armor in good repair, to polish it, to oil it so that we can depend on it if times get tricky. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Constantly monitor your heart to rid yourself of toxic emotion. Believe in the good & exercise your right to remove yourself from conflict when there is no expectation of peaceful resolution. If you create sacred habits for yourself in this regard, you will be able to counter the ‘surprises’ that may shock you!


The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is:


How fitting this image is for one of the most potent lunations of the cycle!

What is being illuminated? Are we seeing the truth or a mere reflection of the truth? What, really is truth? How can we come to terms with the intersection of subjective truth and objective truth?  Is it possible to step outside of our own bubbles & clearly see the alternative to our own perspective? Can we dive into the deepest part of the waters of the lake & search amongst the shadows that lie beneath the surface? Are we willing to find whatever it is that lies beneath those waters? Emotional courage is the hardest courage to exercise because it requires a brutal self-honesty on our part.

This Full Moon provides us with the magnetic impulse to draw out that which is hidden, that which cannot be seen, that which resides within us beyond the reach of the rays of the burning Sun. Moon issues are always nebulous, not easily dealt with, & the most painful of all. Just like an illness, we must allow the crisis point to be reached if we are to actually embark on a journey into healing & wellness. And so it is with emotional issues; once they begin to surface, we must allow them to manifest so as to properly address them. Repression only leads to further illness, to increased dis-ease. Today, we understand that illness on any level of being is intrinsically connected to a lack of balance on all other levels. So, if an emotional crisis shows up in your own reality, be willing to ask yourself the hard questions. Look at all aspects of your life & try to develop strategies to bring balance & harmony into them. To heal any one part of our layered self, we must heal all parts of our layered self; the body, the heart, the mind & the spirit.

This lunation activates the Taurus/Scorpio axis within your chart. Obviously, if you have significant energy in either of these two signs, examine carefully, what part of your psyche is being ‘illuminated’. For solar, lunar, & ascendant Taurus or Scorpio energy, this is your FULL MOON; (you will get another one in the fall). Locate the two houses in your own chart that contain the Sun/Moon opposition. Think about what area of life is under this penetrating laser-like beam.

And even if you do not have significant Taurus/Scorpio energy, it’s useful to determine what area of life might be involved. Very briefly, consider the following:

Houses 1& 7: Are you comfortable with the way you interact? Are your relationships meeting your needs?



Houses 2 & 8: Are you living in sync with what you actually believe in? Do your values empower you or rob you of your power? How can you ground out & be authentic?


Houses 3 & 9: Do you speak your truth? Do you know what it is? Are you in an ongoing search for your truth?



Houses 4 & 10: Are you comfortable with your private self? How much of who you truly are is out for others to see? Can you do it? Count the costs!




Houses 5 & 11: Are you following your heart? Where does your true allegiance lie? Are the dreams that you have been pursuing the ones that have real meaning for you?




Houses 6 & 12: Do you need an overhaul physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually? What habits need to go? Make the resolution to ‘just do it’!



Make these questions a starting point as you dig ever more deeply into the consequences of every action, every intention, every thought & every feeling that is a part of who you are.

Happy unveiling!

For those of you who follow the Buddhist traditions, this is the beginning of WESAK, the celebration of the Birth of the Buddha. For the next month, celebrations of his life will be held all over the world. It is a month of spiritual pursuit for his followers, a time to focus on the ‘PATH’. Blessings to all who aspire to the practice!


If you are moved to make a LOVE OFFERING, gratitude to you.

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To those who have, thank you, thank you…


The sky is dark at New Moon. At this most magical moment, Luna hides her luminosity from us. So, look at the stars & watch them circle around the space where the Moon is hiding. It’s inspiring.






This New Moon is full of the fire of becoming. The collective energy is still in full ‘go’ mode with all planets direct. Yet again, there is a laser-like focus of energy with 4 of the main planetary forces grouped in loose conjunction, this time in Aries, from Mercury @ 15* all the way to Venus @ 27*. Technically we wouldn’t normally align these 2 degree points, but in the case of this lunation, they flank the New Moon on either side. I call this a ‘traveling’ conjunction. Zodiacally, Mercury is holding the rear while Venus leads the way, & both buffer the Sun/Moon @ 23* Aries. Be mindful (Mercury) of every action (Aries) that you take so that you express the highest good (Venus).

The highest expression of Aries is the promise of birth, initiation, self-expression. With Mercury & Venus involved, we are asked to consider how we express ourselves; what the nature of our self-expression reveals; how fiercely we align to our own inner truth. Chiron is also present in this intense Aries energy. Astrologers have only just begun working with Chiron consciously, (discovered in 1977), but the collective has been working with this energy un-consciously for millennia. Representative of the core wound within the psyche, Chiron is one of the principal energies that we can access for healing work. Facing the part of ourselves where we deny the fullness of self-expression is a critical part of any personal integrative process. Under the fiery inspirational force of this New Moon, we can turn inward & review where we break trust with our own personal moral codes, not to punish or recriminate, but, rather, to refine & improve. We all fall short of the ideal that we imagine for ourselves. How could it be otherwise; we are human and still in the process of re-discovering our true nature. What is necessary, if we are to keep growing into a better version of who we are, minute by minute, is to lovingly admit our failures, seek assistance if needed, ask for help when appropriate & keep polishing the inner jewel of our soul force. One of the hardest things that anyone can do, as a human, is to say, “I am wrong; please forgive me…” Aries, with all of its inherent courage & warrior energy, provides us with the will to stand up & say those words. The energy of the SOUL WARRIOR!

In the broadest sense, Chiron in Aries demonstrates the need to fully embrace selfhood, to stand strongly in one’s power, to simply BE YOU. But it’s hard &, I would say, at this strange time in our social history, being singular, autonomous, self-directed & feeling secure about it, is a monumental undertaking. As a collective, we are at the front end of re-imagining ourselves through the lens of community structure. The onset of the techno age has given rise to all sorts of distortions in the area of connection, communication & the dispensation of information. What seemed like a good idea at the time, (going digital) has morphed into something other than what was originally intended. One of the directives for FB was to ‘create community’. Is that all that has been developed? Do the benefits outweigh the harm? Has it led to greater unity or hidden division? In order to thoughtfully address these issues, we MUST ask these questions. If we are to grow together into something better than what we are now, we have to ask them and, even more importantly, to engage in OPEN & HONEST dialogue around these questions, without censure, judgment, or vilification of opposing viewpoints. Dialogue is the key to true healing of conflict. Be like the rock that hones itself as it rubs against another rock and both rocks become sharper, shinier, smoother as a result.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: 


We all hold within ourselves secret burdens that we carry not only through life but from life to subsequent life. Some of these burdens manifest within our present consciousness as demonstrated by our natal Chiron. The key tucked into the Sabian Symbol is that these secret burdens might be heavy but they are also VALUABLE, just as the burden of pregnancy is hidden, heavy but supremely valuable. Focus on what your wound, this hidden, heavy, valuable thing, gives you, not what it has taken away from you. Facing the true nature of your WEAKNESS provides you with clarity as to the direction that you must take to strengthen what is weak within you. Again, it is not always simple or easy since, for the most part, we are tackling our individual weaknesses from a subjective rather than an objective vantage point. But, by accessing the archetypal symbols of ASTROLOGY, we can create a more objective appraisal of what we need to do to refine our nature.

If you know the structure of your natal chart, start by locating Aries. We all have a sector of our psyches where this energy is tucked away.  Whatever house in the natal chart holds 23* Aries, examine it carefully. What area of life is involved? Do you have any personal planets in the vicinity? Can you locate any aspects that may be triggered, or, is 23* Aries making an aspect to anything in your natal chart? This is a really fun exercise. Start with the broadest connections & start narrowing them down. As an example, in my own natal chart, Aries is my 7th house. I could begin by jotting down some keywords for this: contracts, relationships, the other, compliance, listening, interaction & so forth. Then, I can brainstorm how my personal relationship life might be infused with the courage of birth, how I might re-imagine how to be in relationship, how I might make a new start in this area.

Next, I might look at any planets that I might have in Aries or in FIRE. In my chart, 23* Aries is very close to both my Chiron & my Pluto. This lunation forms a GRAND FIRE TRINE with those two planetary archetypes. I can then brainstorm what that might look like for me personally.  Can I make a fresh start in some of my relationships? Can I use the healing power of Chiron to transform (PLUTO) relationships that might be suffering or crumbling? In my chart, this lunation is almost exactly conjunct my VERTEX POINT. I understand that whatever transpires as a result of actions that I take in the coming months, will be of the utmost importance to me. I want to be sure to act from a place of love & forgiveness so that maximum growth can be attained. I have come to understand, over the course of my life, that it is through relationship, through the exchange of ideas, that I am able to grow, as long as I am open to what I receive from others without judgment or censure. I am excited to access the FIERCE HEALING LOVE of this NEW MOON in the coming weeks & hopefully purge myself of unwanted connections so that room can be made for new upbuilding connections; to work hard at healing wounded relationships so that both partners can grow & thrive together; to listen carefully & with an open heart & mind when others reach out to me. The fierce fire of this Aries New Moon can get me started in this healing direction.

Try this exercise out for yourself. If you want some assistance, do not hesitate to reach out. I could do a ZOOM session with you & explore how this Aries New Moon might interact with you.  The rate is a suggested $2/minute by donation.

Contact me @ [email protected]


This Full Moon in Libra provides us all with an opportunity to forgive each other & to heal from the wounds that we inflict on one another.

There is an incredible triple conjunction of The Sun, Chiron & Venus @ 9*Aries. Fierce gentleness is suggested by the union of these three forces. The active compassion of Venus in Aries combines with the healing properties of Chiron to focus on wounds that involve core identity & how one interacts with ‘the other’ in our lives. Aries demands that we take action based on high principle while the Libra Moon encourages us to make amends where we can, to see things from the other’s perspective, to put ourselves in her shoes & imagine what led to the actions that she took which may have resulted in harm to ourselves.

This conjunction, activated by the Full Moon (OPPOSITION) is in Aries/Aries, the first 10 degrees of this sign. This amplifies the purity of the fire energy that is being highlighted. The call to action, symbolized by a sextile relationship between the triple conjunction with Mars in Gemini, is to be flexible, high-minded & ready to release negative emotion. Gemini promises that hope for healing can be found by lightening up, forgetting the evil things & focusing on the positive elements in any situation. Think HARMONY rather than disunity. To achieve a cooperative loving union, we must use our individual, autonomous self in a constructive & healing fashion. Where can we yield without forfeiting self-dignity? Where can we exercise true compassion while protecting our own hearts & minds? Relationship is tricky. It requires respect both for self & for the other. There is never only one perspective at play.

Sabian Symbol:  A CRYSTAL GAZER.

What knowledge can we tap into? What do we yet have to discover? Are we pure as we seek understanding or, do we allow personal bias to ‘colour’ the message? Make sure that you are neutral when ‘piercing the veil’ between this material reality & the etheric realms where all-knowing resides. Not every message received is TRUE. Challenge the narrative to ensure that it holds up. Especially in the context of relationship, no one can ever fully comprehend what is at play in the other’s heart & mind. Try to find a way to forgive your ‘other’ the way that you forgive yourself, utterly & without question. The Libra Full Moon shines a light on the beauty of partnership, the joy that we can experience when a partnership is true. It’s up to us to work on that in every partnership that we cherish in our own lives.

Overall, the energy of this ‘FIRE & LIGHT’ Full Moon is positive, forward-moving, optimistic! Whatever your own personal opinion of what the collective has experienced over the past year, everyone is ready to move on. The energy collectively, at the moment, is supportive of this. Just look at the powerful GRAND AIR TRINE between the MOON, MARS & SATURN! With MARS tightly aligned to the Gemini NORTH NODE, the message is clear. Determine for yourself (SATURN) what serves your own personal needs (MOON) & do it (MARS)! Mars forms another trine to Jupiter in Aquarius further emphasizing that action must be based on truth, not lies. What is the ‘right’ course to take? What will best serve both you & those around you?

Remember, the energy is extremely mobile at the moment. All planets are direct in motion. The retrogrades do not begin until the end of April. This is ‘GO’ time. But!!! Go with a lightness of being, go with a spring in your step. Be like a butterfly, not like a bull.

So make a note of the three days when this Moon will fill our sky; March 27, 28 & 29. And, when you gaze at her beautiful fulness, open your heart to compassion, forgiveness & love.

PISCES NEW MOON MARCH 13, 2021 @ 4:23 AM

Get ready for a focus on the dreamy, mystical energy of Pisces to start off this upcoming New Moon period. The ‘BOWL’ formation of the lunation emphasizes receptiveness & intuitive process. 4 of the main planets cluster together from 20* Pisces to 24* Pisces, led by a frisky Mars in Gemini & supported by a direct moving Pluto in Capricorn. We still have significant Aquarian energy to facilitate the intellectual process which is vital when the Sun, Moon, Venus & Neptune are all grouped together in nebulous Pisces. Feel it, for sure but then think it through by taking a step back. Detach, detach, detach! It’s necessary when there is so much mystical energy incoming!

This New Moon, significantly, is square the NODES which are transiting through Sagittarius/Gemini. Issues around spirituality are on the table. Do you believe what you see or do you see what you believe? Think about that. We are living through ‘critical times, hard to deal with…when men have become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…having a FORM of godly devotion but proving FALSE to its power…’2 Timothy 3: 1-5.

All true seekers of purity of spirit MUST turn away from such as these. We must find our own individual inner truth that aligns us to the wisdom of LOVE in these hateful, divisive times. And we CAN do it starting here, starting now! The energy is currently all direct, with no holds barred! Every single planet is forward moving. This is a clear signal to set things into motion in your life. Clarify your dream (the Pisces energy) & then hustle, kiddo, hustle. The retrogrades begin to kick in at the end of April when first Pluto stations retrograde, but until then, its eyes front, feet moving, go, go go…

The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:












Begin this current cycle with RIGHT INTENTION. Fill your mind with ‘good things’. Surround yourself with others who are pursuing peace & righteousness. Stay away from anything that contributes to dark energy around you. Keep your aura crystal clean; at least, to the extent that you can. What sorts of habits can you purge from your life? What about drugs? Alcohol? Hedonistic pursuits? Can you eliminate or at the very least reduce their presence in your life? You are what you consume, what you think, what you desire. Look at each aspect of your life in this way & be brutally honest with yourself. Being a spiritual seeker is NOT easy or simple. It requires diligence, commitment & perpetual self-review.

The reward is an unfolding one if we can align to spiritual practice in our everyday lives. It is the purity of self-expressiveness coupled with a simplicity of being, innocence. How beautifully this is pictured in the Virgo Sabian Symbol. The White Lamb suggests the Christ energy of compassion, love & forgiveness while “Mary” represents the energy of nurture, compliance & sacrifice to a higher purpose.

These symbols clearly demonstrate the path of the pilgrim; that one who is avid in her pursuit of purposeful, mindful existence. The best way to combat the existential crisis that everyone blabs about is to fill one’s life with a REASON TO CONTINUE TO EXIST. Not rocket science, baby, just simple wisdom…

Enjoy this lovely NEW MOON. Drink her sweet PISCEAN energy in. Deeply. Allow her to fill you with hope. Mark my words, there are good things ahead for those of us who choose to find them!




Virgo Full Moon: 02-17-21

Full Moon in Virgo: Pisces Sun

This month, while the Sun is transiting the zodiac sign of Pisces, Luna reaches her fullness on Feb 27, 2021, @ 2:19 am.  If the night is clear, try to get out & take a look at this wonderful Virgo Full Moon. The more that we can connect with the natural world, the more we will find our ground. We have all become disconnected from the earth and especially so over the last year of strangeness. A FULL MOON serves as a cosmic reminder of who we are, (human beings) & where we come from, (a complex & miraculous universe).

The magical, ethereal energy of Pisces is firmly grounded by the practical, earthy energy of Virgo. I just love the fact that these two energies complement one another so that we become neither too stodgy (Virgo) nor too spacey (Pisces). Virgo’s essential, common sense, & hands-on approach nicely balances out Pisces’ flights of fancy & mystical inclinations. Even the most enlightened of us need to address the necessities of being alive!

Full moons always offer us a fullness of perspective, no matter the sign that they occupy so we should approach this time period, basically about 3 days (a day on either side) with an eagerness to stand as far back as we can so that we get as much of the picture that we can. Imagine just standing with your arms wide open, head flung back, chest open & lifted up & breathing it all in. You are the universe; the universe is you. Okay, that’s the Pisces part of it. Now, then, what are you going to DO about it? That’s the practical, Virgo part of it.

Venus in Pisces is closely aligned to this Full Moon, adding a sense of beauty, grace & goodness into the mix. Venus in Pisces is the ENERGY HEALER. She can cross the physical boundary of flesh & blood & get right into the essential energy of the other. There are these very special healer types amongst us; those who can heal with a simple touch; those who do not need BIG PHARMA to drug us into so-called wellness. Beyond the archetype of healing, Venus in Pisces is ultimate compassion. The sweetness of this energy cannot be overstated. Anecdotally, I have experienced incredible principled love demonstrated by those who have this energy wired into their psyches. It is awe-inspiring.

The Sabian Symbols for this pair of degrees, Virgo & Pisces 9 are:



At first glance these two images may seem disparate but sit with them for a bit.

We are absolutely in the midst of a reboot of some kind. Systems are being challenged. Protocols are being disrupted. Values are being questioned. The FUTURE is being re-imagined as if at the hands of some mysterious cosmic artist who is passionately filling his canvas with renderings that are not fully understood. The complimentary symbol of the JOCKEY infuses a sense of dedicated urgency into the mix. We MUST get to the finish of this process. We MUST win this re-imagining of all that we thought we knew. It is a race to prevail against all odds, to get to the finish line all in one piece.

All in all, there is heightened energy around this FULL MOON, a feeling (Pisces) that we need new tools (Virgo) to get the job done. Mars in Taurus is in a wide square to this lunation (11* orb) infusing solid fuel into the emotional process. Saturn is almost exactly inconjunct @ 9* Aquarius, demanding that any necessary adjustment MUST be made to achieve desired ends. Uranus is trine within 1* @ 8* Taurus providing ample ability to perceive things DIFFERENTLY, to imagine outside the box with ease. Radical solutions are needed for these radically strange times we are living through.

Go with the MOON. Feel her to the bottom of your bones. Breathe in her potential healing energy & ride the light fantastic!


New Moon in Aquarius: February 11, 2021 @ 1:08 PM CST

What a sizzling New Moon this month!

A flurry of 6 of the main planets finds themselves hopping & popping in Aquarius (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn along with the asteroid, Pallas Athene). The energy encompasses 6* 32” of Aquarius all the way to 23* 16” Aquarius. So essentially, all 3 of the decanates of Aquarius are activated;



Aquarius/Aquarius (0* Aquarius-9*59” Aquarius):

the CONCEPT is imagined,



Aquarius/Gemini (10* Aquarius-19*59” Aquarius):

the CONCEPT is explored,


Aquarius/Libra (20* Aquarius-29*59” Aquarius):

the CONCEPT is adjusted in preparation for its integration into the collective consciousness.

This energy is in trine to the North node @ 17* 44” Gemini & square to Mars @ 18*25” Taurus.

This gives us a sense of positive forward impulse with the airy trine & dynamic action founded on substantive realistic strategy with the fixed energy square.

What the Aquarius energy can imagine, refine & prepare to integrate, the reliable, steady Taurus Mars can support with determination & practical protocols. Brainstorm your future intentional self & create solid, reasonable plans of action to make it all happen. Release your fears, tap into your own intuitive knowledge & TRUST THE PROCESS!

In terms of the current social situation, (because all lunations interact with the collective as a whole), we’ve been through a lot in the past few months, both individually & collectively. It’s pretty clear that there are polarized points of view operative within society at this time. Some of us are fully on board with the prevailing narratives of infection, isolation & a dystopian future while others of us are actively challenging the status quo, protesting against what we perceive as an oppressive implementation of lockdown & mask mandates instituted by the medical oligarchies supported by the governmental authorities. The Aquarian directive urges us all to step outside our comfort zones, no matter which viewpoint we are inclined to ‘believe’ & consider alternatives. That’s Aquarius! Stretch out & step into the possibility zone. Shake off those rigid preconceived ideas which may or may not be based on substantive data. It is definitely time to open our minds & take another look. Again, this is a NEUTRAL comment. Whenever you find yourself refusing to consider alternatives, that is the exact time that you MUST force yourself to consider alternatives. Aquarius energy is about knowledge derived from reliable, data-based, peer-reviewed research. If we say that we choose to ‘follow the science’, then we must follow the accepted methods used to accumulate the data that makes up that science-based knowledge. Aquarius insists that we access the FULL measure of research being done without censorship imposed by any particular group that is pushing any particular conclusion. Science is supposed to be NEUTRAL in its pursuit of empirical data.

Definition of ‘empirical’:  based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.



So, find the rabbit holes. Do the research. Prove to yourself that what you have accepted as ‘truth’, is, indeed, verifiable. Don’t just blindly accept something because you heard it on a 15-second soundbite!

Both sides of this debate are convinced that their position is the correct position. It’s time to set aside differences, open our ears to all parts of the discussion & make a concerted effort to find some kind of common ground. That, at the very least, is what the Aquarian directive is all about. What is best for the community as a whole? Will we opt for liberation or control, (the ongoing dichotomy of the two rulers of this energy, SATURN as the archetype of control & URANUS as the archetype of liberation? How can I, as an individual, contribute in a positive manner to this conversation?

Again, this is a NEUTRAL series of questions. The collective as a whole must choose between individual autonomous action (Uranus) & submission to oversight (Saturn). It’s a thorny topic, to be sure. We all regard ourselves as so-called ‘free’ individuals but when it comes to safety & security, how free do we actually want to be. The ego-need to preserve itself is a powerful driver, indeed.

With this  New Moon, we can, as a collective, open the door to the exploration of the manifold path into illumination; about our own personal selves & about the general needs of society as a whole.

Whatever house this lunation activates in your own personal psyche is where you may gain the greatest insight into yourself, where you may experience the greatest degree of promise & possibility for yourself. Aquarius is nothing if not exciting! It truly is an electrifying New Moon full of possibility & promise!

Sabian Symbol: 


Here we again get the sense of the ongoing struggle between the traditional, SATURN, & the innovative, URANUS. How much are we willing to sacrifice on a personal level so that the needs of the greater whole can be addressed? What is the balance between following our own individual ‘passions’ & using our energy to create a more stable greater society? And, on a deeper level, how can we use our passion to create the stability that will lead to security & safety? These are all delicate, sensitive topics of thought. This New Moon, with its preponderance of Aquarius energy, can infuse us with an ability to be fearless in our Promethean quest for the ‘fire’ of truth!


Aquarius Meditation










The New Moon & the Full Moon; January 2021

The upcoming lunation is particularly significant due to the prevailing social atmosphere. If we heed the call to action contained therein, we can shift the current energy of hatred & violence, (clearly evident in our neighbor to the south), into something more reflective of the aspiring human soul. Everyone, no matter their viewpoint MUST be willing to listen to ‘the other side’. This is not to say that anyone should change their viewpoint, but it behooves us all to at least attempt to understand where our fellow humans are coming from. There is sufficient space in our world for there to be diverse opinions & alternative ways of interpreting & then living life.


Full Moon in Leo on January 28, 2021 @ 1:18 pm CST.

The Sabian Symbol for 9-10* Leo is:


If you have faithfully done your work for the past two weeks, reflected & purged, healed & addressed anything that needed attention, here is your reward!

Ideally, you should be feeling more balanced, stronger, less foggy, more intentional. This Full Moon shines the light on the fullness of creative expression. Leo calls us to open our hearts & say what we believe, do what we love, be authentic. Have you gotten more in touch with all that over the past two weeks? That is the goal!

The Gemini Ascendant @ 21-22* invites us to explore, gather new information, reach out to friends, make new friends, be inquisitive & optimistic. We may have to work hard to accomplish this but the alternative is a non-starter. The Sabian Symbol is:


It’s time to comingle, to join up with others who want what you want, like what you like, think like you do! Life, after all, is the GRAND DANCE.  Again, we may have to be creative in order to actualize this, but it is worth the effort to find community, to pursue happiness, to focus on the positive.

An earthy New Moon is followed by a fiery Full Moon. Build, establish, sustain at the New Moon. Express, celebrate & create at the Full Moon.

And then, little flower, just let it go!





The next New Moon occurs on January 12, 2021 @ 11:02 pm CST. The following is a synopsis of the energy reflected in the event chart for that time zone.

At 24* Capricorn, this lunation is balsamic to Pluto, suggesting a moment of such intensity that literally anything could happen. Balsamic energy is both culminating & formative in nature. It is like the singular moment before the baby is born. So much has been brought to completion & yet so much is unknown.  And, like the birth of a baby, this moment is rich in creative potential, emphasis on potential. We sense that something important is about to manifest & yet we grapple with the nebulous nature thereof. No worries. Sit with this New Moon & allow whatever is being born within YOU, to come into being.

The Sabian Symbol for 23-24* Capricorn is:


Here we have a call to reflection, devotion & commitment. It may be prudent to step away from frivolous action for a time & review what we are devoted to. Commitment must be nurtured & constantly reviewed so that we know we are still on course.

In the event chart, the lunation activates the 4th house suggesting cloister & cocooning, spending quality time with intimates in quiet spaces. The ascendant energy for the event is 0-1* Libra. Find your ideal partner; create commonality; seek balance. The Sabian Symbol is:



This call to mind the astrological archetype, Chiron. It is the wound that leads to a greater form of healing by virtue of its very presence. What requires healing in our lives? What is causing us necessary pain? Why necessary? Pain is the signal that we need in order to apply ‘therapeutic healing’. The butterfly is often seen as a symbol of the aspiring soul. The soul has concretized into human form to eradicate that which needs to be healed from its energy grid, thus enabling it to move into closer alignment with the divine.

Use this New Moon to reboot any habitual rituals that bring you relief from whatever pain you might be experiencing, whether physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual.

Get back into a solid exercise regime. Eat sensibly.




Set up a regular schedule to meditate according to your own capacities. I recommend walking meditations for those who cannot sit still.



Find a good body worker & go frequently. It’s a great way to release emotional grief.



Do not neglect your spiritual self. Keep striving to include spiritual practice into your DAILY routine. An associate of mine shared the following.

“Whenever I return home, I light a few sticks of incense which I keep handy at my front entry. I use the few moments that this takes me to bless all whom I have encountered while I was out & to leave them at the front door. I enter my home cleansed of any energy that may have been negative or unwanted.”

Another associate, who is a Pranic Healer, keeps a bowl of natural saltwater at her front door & brushes off her aura before entering into her home. She has shared that she has occasionally found plasma in the bowl, evidence of energy having been released.

The point is that you are sovereign in your own private space & you can set the parameters for what & who you allow into it. You are the boss of you!

Following this reflective New Moon comes the Full Moon in Leo on January 28, 2021 @ 1:18 pm CST.

The Sabian Symbol for 9-10* Leo is:


If you have faithfully done your work for the past two weeks, reflected & purged, healed & addressed anything that needed attention, here is your reward!

Ideally, you should be feeling more balanced, stronger, less foggy, more intentional. This Full Moon shines the light on the fullness of creative expression. Leo calls us to open our hearts & say what we believe, do what we love, be authentic. Have you gotten more in touch with all that over the past two weeks? That is the goal!

The Gemini Ascendant @ 21-22* invites us to explore, gather new information, reach out to friends, make new friends, be inquisitive & optimistic. We may have to work hard to accomplish this but the alternative is a non-starter. The Sabian Symbol is:


It’s time to comingle, to join up with others who want what you want, like what you like, think like you do! Life, after all, is the GRAND DANCE.  Again, we may have to be creative in order to actualize this, but it is worth the effort to find community, to pursue happiness, to focus on the positive.

An earthy New Moon is followed by a fiery Full Moon. Build, establish, sustain at the New Moon. Express, celebrate & create at the Full Moon.

And then, little flower, just let it go!